Spin: What Is A Spin Class?

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Short description:
It’s no surprise that this demanding class has steadily increased in popularity over the last several years. Spin is an intense way to tone your physique and support cardiovascular health.

Long description:
Spinning, or indoor cycling, is a high-intensity cardiovascular workout class that involves cycling on a stationary bike that has a weighted flywheel on the pedals. The addition of the weighted flywheel makes spinning more challenging than riding on a normal stationary bike.
A typical spin class lasts anywhere between 30 and 75 minutes. Throughout the class, the instructor will call out different settings, in which students must change their positioning (from sitting to standing) or adjust their speed and/or resistance. …show more content…

Expect a high-energy, upbeat atmosphere in which students are really challenging themselves physically. We encourage you to push yourself to your own max. Still, each participant controls their own intensity and resistance, so you can design a personalized workout that suits your ability level.

What should I wear to spin class?
Generally, spin class attendees dress in cycling attire (fitted shorts and shirts/tanks). Many students prefer wearing padding cycling shorts for additional cushion against bike seats. You may also benefit from cycling-specific shoes that offer appropriate support while pedaling.

Do I need to bring equipment to class?
Studio cycling classes offer all the equipment you need beyond your body and attire. However, students may bring towels to mop up sweat and water bottles because you’ll definitely work up a sweat.

How many calories will I burn during spin class?
Spinning is a high-intensity workout that maximizes calorie burn. The precise amount of calories burned depends on each participant’s unique physical makeup. However, experts calculate an average energy expenditure between 400 and 600 calories per …show more content…

This choreographed workout is a great choice for those wanting to enhance balance and coordination and achieve a leaner, toner physique.

Long Description:
While Barre is inspired by many of the choreographed moves used by ballerinas, this class is so much more. Barre classes incorporate a ballet barre in addition to traditional moves like pliés and pirouettes. However, this fitness class also includes moves typically associated with yoga and Pilates.
The foundation of barre is isometric exercise, which is a type of physical activity that involves tiny movements that contract your muscles to activate and strengthen them. This is unlike larger, compound movements like sit-ups or shoulder presses. Imagine squatting with both knees turned in opposite directions away from the middle body. Contracting slightly up or down in this position can seriously tone the glutes and quads—but there has been no large-scale movement.
Since little to no impact is involved and a full range of motion is not required, barre is a great choice for people of all ages and ability levels.

Health Benefits of

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