Spending Too Much Screen Time Essay

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Parents should limit when, and how long their kids spend on screens. Facts have proven that spending much time on screens can cause serious issues.

First of all, kidshealth.org, says that too much screen time can lead to things like depression, aggression, and problems at school. Other effects include worse behavior and low self-esteem. If screen time is limited then kids won’t be at risk of getting these things from screens. Commonsensemedia.org says that over 50% of teens feel that they are addicted to their phones! Roogirl.com says that screen addiction can cause negative side effects such as social isolation, arguments with parents, fatigue, problems at school, lack of achievement, and lying. These symptoms can not only affect kids throughout their childhood but for the rest of their life. Like I said earlier, if screen time is limited for kids, then there is less potential for these things happening. …show more content…

This prevents people from doing productive things like doing their homework, studying, exercising, and a lot more. If screen time isn't limited then can all cause serious issues. Screen.guide says that because of technology, kids are not spending as much time with their family or friends. They say that “kids are more virtually connected with friends, than actually meeting them in person.” Spending too much time online can weaken the relationship between the parents and the child, and make kids less social. They also say that going on screens before bed can cause a lack of sleep. “Lack of sleep can have serious consequences. It can deprive the brain of its essential needs which will make it harder to do some activities during the day.” There is a simple fix to these problems. All parents have to do is limit their child's screen

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