Speeding Limitations

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I am for the Limitation of Speed Limits for the following reasons. Driving at a high speed can cause death and serious injuries many people have died and suffered over serious injuries for high speeding limitation. All over the world there are many accidents either for not paying attention to the rode or driving very fast. There is many people driving over the posted speed limit. They don’t think their driving is dangerous.
Death/ serious Injury When traveling through school zones doing the speed limit you have the ability to stop faster when something out of the blue happens. A child running out in the street chasing a ball kicked over the yard fence, children don’t have reflector, if you were traveling over the speed limit you would not be able to stop as quickly to avoid hitting that child. It very dangerous to drive on a high speed limit because you can also kill the other person who you have crushed into or ran over, you can leave them in serious injuries. Hitting an animal on the road with a high speed there are more chances of the driver or passengers death. Driving at a high speed can causes death or serious. …show more content…

If there is an accident on that same road that you are traveling and you are traveling way to fast you can lose control of your vehicle and you won’t to have the ability to stop yourself from creating a large accident. Some people like to drink and drive drunk people go really fast that they don’t think they can get in serious injuries. It not a good idea drink and drive fast and slow people mess up their car by driving fast and slow and breaking fast. Many people don’t pay attention to the rode and causes accidents. People don’t like following the speed

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