Road Rage
These days, cars are necessary for everyday living. They take us where we need to go. They are the method of transportation for everyday traveling. Road rage is an increasing problem in America. Incidents of violent driving have been rising for many years now. Many people identify themselves by the car they drive, because of this; road rage is only increased. Potential problems should try to be avoided.
Some would say that speed limits are not adequate, or certain laws should be changed. Reports have shown that the majority of Americans have no problem with speed limits or the laws; new drivers are not helping either. There are key things that are liable for joining or causing road rage. For example; loud music, honking the horn, tailgating, and changing lanes without signaling all have been known to increase tension while driving. The actual causes can be traced back to different forms of stress. Such as being called into the boss' office for discussion of work performance, making bad grades in school, or having just been dumped by your girlfriend/boyfriend. Road rage is a result of an outburst of all the stress in ones life. Cars are a status symbol in our time. Nice cars give others the impression that the driver has money. Fast or flashy cars give an impression
of being successful. Males driving big trucks tend to think they are “king of the road.” No one should mess with him or his truck unless they are looking for trouble.
If possible, it is best to try...
Road rage caused by aggressive driving tendencies is a growing epidemic affecting today's roadways, but there is a solution.Transition 1: As you can see road rage is a serious problem that could potentially affect us all. But many of us have different ideas of the scope of road rage.BodyI. You can better combat "road rage" by understanding what it is...A. Road rage or aggressive driving is defined as behavior behind the wheel in which furious drivers lose their temper and engage in risk-taking behavior or attempt to injure or kill another driver or pedestrian over minor traffic disputes.(Dr.
There are many inevitable situations that would get most drivers angry like traffic during rush hour, but there is one thing that is avoidable that will get normal drivers angry which is a slow driver. During these moments we lose our manners and start using profanity and many signals that are not proper in public places because we are so angry that they simply forget to be civilized. It’s not only the fact that some people drive slow that gets me mad, it’s the fact that they drive slow and they give you no space to get into the next lane in order for you to not be stuck behind them. There are also cases in which drivers are rude and they go slow just to make you angry.
Road rage is a problem that has existed ever since people have been driving. However, thanks to technology, more people are aware of the seriousness of this problem. David Boggs is one of the people who happened to witness road rage and decided to intervene.
Road rage is the act of aggressive driving or behavior that could lead to crucial physical or mental injury’s. In the Green Issue, Brendan Purves describes it as “an individual who commits a combination of moving traffic offenses so as to endanger other persons or property.” (“What Causes Road Rage”, Purves). Many innocent lives are taken because of incidents caused by road rage. Most of these incidents happen in result of misunderstandings or impatience with unaware drivers. Not all of these road rage incidents result in an accident but mostly all of them involve aggressive acts. Some even involve armed weapons, vulgar language, and violent acts. Anyone can experience road rage but its important to stay calm and safe while driving to save
There are many people that drive in this world. In this day and age it's kind of a necessity to be able to drive. People generally need to drive to work on a very regular basis, usually five days a week. This means that there is a lot of different things happening, both good and bad, that create many statistics. I will be discussing some of those statistics today. There are definitely many different statistics I could discuss with you. Just a few of them are distracted driving statistics, teen driving statistics, texting and driving statistics, and even drunk driving statistics. There are even more I could list off, but that would be a very long list.
There is no need for me to drive and I find it pointless too. If I really need to go somewhere, I can either go back to being a child and ask my mom to take me, or one of my friends can take me or, I can take a bus. But, honestly, all of these things are also included in my hatred. I feel like cars are weapons and I really do not like them. I understand that they help people but I just feel like they do more harm than good when it comes to people using them. Most of the time if I absolutely have to go somewhere I have my mom or dad take me because even though they aren’t subjected to not getting in a crash, they pay way more attention to their surroundings than teenagers do. Although my car accident was the final straw for me, there are many other reasons why I hate driving. Three years ago, in January, one of my best friends was killed in a drunk driving car accident. In Ohio in 2012, 385 people were killed in drunk driving accidents (Madd35); my best friend was one of those. To many people, those numbers are just that, numbers. But to many other people, those numbers are friends or family. Cars can be used as tools but to me they are more of a weapon than
Some driver’s aggressive behavior puts other drivers’ lives at-risk on United States’ roads and highways (DPS,
As you’re driving along the side road or highway, you see a set of headlights come up on you rather fast. Suddenly, you look in your rearview mirror and see a huge truck right up against your trunk as you’re driving 50 mph. What should you do? Slow down, speed up, and pull over? As you look, you see the driver getting progressively annoyed. Suddenly the driver shoots out beside your car, lays on the horn, and flips you the bird. “Outrageous!!” You think to yourself.
To control road rage around your area get involved with programs such as a AAA driving school and you may help prevent this enrage behavior present on our roads. Police are cracking down in many areas to reduce the ever so popular “rager”. Accidents, fatalities, and tickets are all
Gandhi once said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Good Morning/Afternoon Mr. Nowiki and class. Mark Bellamy’s 2007 short film Road Rage explores how discoveries can be prompted by a desire for insight. This notion of discovery is explored through the lens of the protagonist, Paul Kelman, a motorist who re-evaluates his over reaction to the small things in life.
There is the data that shows the drivers make use of cell phones approximately 10.6 percent of the time the vehicle in operation. The percentage is increased of the drivers that took their eyes of the forward road way that create severe accidents. This final report shows light ion the restrictions that are made by the government organizations regarding the road safety issue. (nationall high way taffic safety
Safety, organization, death, accidents, and road rage. Everyday Americans seem to be driving at their utmost slowest. Road conditions are understandable, for example, nighttime, weather, and constructions; but when the weather is fine and there's no traffic, that’s a problem. Driving slower may seem better than driving fast, but they cause the same effects. Many people are good drivers, but there's a handful of some who drive slow in the left lane or in general. Driving with confidence should help you become a better driver.
According to the Department of Motor Vehicles, road rage is an “aggressive or violent behavior stemming from a driver’s uncontrolled anger at the actions of another motorist”
Speed not only kills it also costs money and other problems. Cars traveling at higher speeds increase the amount of fuel usage and therefore this causes more pollution in the environment. Not only that since it uses more fuel and takes up fuel faster one has to get gas more often and this will cause the driver to spend more money. Driving fast will increase the wear and tear of your car and the predicted reliability could drop and you might have to replace the automobile faster than expected because the vehicle wont lasts you as long as it was suppose. When you speed you have chances of getting speeding tickets that are very high in cost and you have to pay for them. Speeding tickets also raise your insurance rate; just two speeding tickets can increase your insurance premiums by fifty percent.
Driving is something that is built within our community, we often see it as a form of transportation, an easy way to get somewhere and something we rarely think about, we get in our car and go. We as humans have become so accustomed to this mode of transportation. The benefits of driving have contributed to our society’s needs and wants to get somewhere fast and or quick. We do not stop to think that often driving can come with negative components and certain negative attitudes that can affect ones driving ability. There are many drivers out there young and inexperienced and or older and experienced who have become familiar with this negativity and will continue to see negative attitudes on the road, this is called road rage. Road rage is