Essay On Speed

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Get high on Life, not on drugs
Also known as Amphetamine, Uppers, Ice, Crystal meth, Methamphetamine, Crazy Horse, Wake ups, Bennies, Jollies, and Black Beauties etc.
Speed is the street name for the Class B drug amphetamine sulphate and can sometimes be referred to different names for example Amphetamine, Uppers, Ice, Crystal Meth etc. These names can also be used to refer itself to other types of amphetamine. Speed can costs lots of money which can put pressure on families and friends or very cheap for homemade ones. Nonetheless the effects are devastating like any other taken drugs. In small doses of amphetamines, they can banish tiredness and make the user feel alert and refreshed. However, the burst of energy comes at a high price. A ‘speed crash’ always follows the high and may leave the person feeling irritable, depressed, nauseous and extremely exhausted. Doses of speed may increase when the body builds
What is Speed?
Speed can be swallowed as tablets, snorted through the nose as a type of powder or injected in liquid form. Some amphetamines can be prescribed by the doctor for medical problems. However Speed sold on the street is illegal, even if they have been previously prescribed. The drug Speed affects the way you think, feel and behave. It also has short and long term effects on your body. Effects can come on straight away or take longer depending on how you have taken it, or how the person reacts to it. The effects can last from four to eight hours. However if you get very bad thoughts or feelings, they can last from a few hours to many weeks.
How does Speed Affect the Body?
Speed is an upper as it enhances the mind and body. Methamphetamine (speed) releases high levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine, that ...

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...roke (a bleed in the brain).

Long Term Effects
If you use speed regularly or amphetamines heavily or you may develop some or all of the following problems.
 You may have mood swings, feel sad or depressed, mixed up, worried or become angry with no warning. Your family and friends might be worried for you and frightened of you. They may start to see you as dangerous or strange.
 Get really skinny from reduced eating habits.
 Get sick very easily because your body is run down.
 You may have strange thoughts and your thinking can become tangled and unclear.
 You may get paranoid (fearful, jealous and suspicious). When someone gets paranoid they may think people are after them. Some people can become psychotic or mad.
 Speed may cause you to have a stroke or a heart attack and this can cause long-term health problems or even death.


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