Effects of Different Drug Use: Short Term and Long Term

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Amphetamines are typically used to provide the same effect that pure adrenaline does. The drug is specified for people with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity as well as narcolepsy, although if you decide to abuse the drug and use it for recreational purposes you may start to feel paranoia and nervousness. Using amphetamines can also put a strain on the circulatory system by causing the user's blood pressure to increase suddenly. (Amphetamine) Long term psychological effects of the drug can cause something called amphetamine psychosis which is much like paranoid schizophrenia. This could lead towards hallucinations, paranoid delusions, and obsessions. (Amphetamine)

Examples of amphetamines include adderall, benzidrine, and dexedrine. Students often abuse prescriptions of adderall as a study tool. I’ve known students at my previous school in Miami take adderall during every exam when they weren’t even prescribed it which is a perfect example of amphetamine abuse. I’ve even heard about students becoming addicted to such drugs.

Another dangerous substance is anabolic steroids. People use anabolic steroids as an illegal way to enhance their testosterone within their body as well as increase their muscle mass. Every time someone uses anabolic steroids it is considered abuse because using anabolic steroids is never recommended for you by any officials. Side effects of the drug can result in paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, and impaired judgment from a large ego. (Steroids) Long term effects include euphoria, confusion, sleeping disorders, pathological anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations.

When I was in high school, my friend and his brother were always working out and they were physically fit. A few...

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