Steroids In Football Essay

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Brandon McCann English IV Mr. Doherty 3/9/14 Research paper outline Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Football In Forbes Magazine, David DiSalvo’s article “College football steroid use is rampant and little is done about it” talks about the use of performance-enhancing drugs in college football and its rising use in football today. Everybody always bashes baseball and other sports for steroid use but nobody really cares if it’s used in football and many people are starting to question why. Another question that needs to be answered is how are these football players not getting caught by the many drug tests they are forced to take. In most cases it’s blatantly obvious that most of these players are on something. David’s article has opened many of the football fans eyes and people seek the truth behind all of this. "Anabolic steroids is the familiar name for synthetic substances related to the male sex hormones (e.g., testosterone). They promote the growth of skeletal muscle (anabolic effects) and the development of male sexual characteristics (androgenic effects) in both males and females”(National Institute on Drug Base).First, the benefits of steroids are very obvious to see. The user gains strength, mass, and speed in a short amount of time. Also, the user has a more aggressive attitude, which is good for football players. However, there are more bad side effects than good. The side effects include hair loss, acne, liver damage, kidney damage, increased breast tissue and becoming very aggressive. These are just some of the horrible bad side effects by using steroids. McCann 2 One of the many questions that need’s to be answered is why do football players use performance-enhancing drugs. Rachel Olander who is a resource special... ... middle of paper ... ... injury like they can today. This is exactly what would happen if all drugs vanished from professional sports” (Hodnik, Josh.”Steroids in the NFL” VPX Sports). David DiSalvo’s point is, why aren’t we doing anything about this? Should we care and try to clean up the mess of the use of performance-enhancing drugs. The effect of it is starting to trickle down to younger age groups. It started out in the pro’s, now in college, and actually even more current it’s starting as early as high school. If people want a clean and fair game then the heads of the pro football league and college football should be strict on all the testing’s. It’s getting out of hand and David’s exact words are right on point. It’s very obvious that most of these players are cheating and the NCAA and the NFL act like everything is just fine. They either do hardcore testing or don’t do it all.

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