Spanish Proverbs To Give You Wisdom

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8 Spanish Proverbs To Give You Wisdom Learning Spanish language is not only about words, phrases, and sentences. When you are serious about studying this foreign language, you must also learn Spanish proverbs that will inspire wisdom. Here are some proverbs from Spanish with English translation that you can use to enlighten you in your everyday life: 1. Cada quien en su casa es rey. (Everyone is king in his own house) Staying in your own home is like having a palace where you can be a king and live freely. Your home is an extension of your own being. It is a place where you can be yourself, or be whoever you are without the judgment of other people. This Spanish proverbs tells you that you have to love your home and live freely according …show more content…

Mucho hablar y poco decir juntos suelen ir. (Empty vessels make the most noise.) You don't need to talk too much for other people to hear you. Why? Because it always applies that action speaks louder than voice. Sometimes, those people who talks too much don't actually really say anything. Because there is no important in what they are saying. You must bear in mind to just speak of only useful words and avoid being loud on saying words that can only do harm. 3. No es tan bravo el león como lo pintan. (The lion is not as fierce as it is made out to be.) You need to prevent judgment and take time to know the person first before leading into conclusion about his real personality. Because a person is not as bad as one may think. We may differ in look and characteristics, but we all have kindness that is buried in our heart. 4. Todo tiene solución, menos la muerte. (Nothing is certain but death and taxes.) If you are having a difficult time today, just relax and find a solution for it. Because every problem has a solution except death. Death is a part of our life that we cannot escape, all we need to do is prepare for it and make it possible that we will have a sweet death someday. 5. El águila no se entretiene en cazar moscas. (The eagle doesn´t waste time hunting …show more content…

It will not also affect how people or society will know you. But it is a good start to mold your persona. If you want people to look at you as a modest person with a virtue of modesty, wearing modest clothes is a good start. Make a habit on doing things that will define you of who you are. 7. Cada uno sabe dónde le aprieta el zapato. (Each person knows where his shoe hurts.) If you are hurt and in the middle of too much pain, it is only you who can feel it. And it is only you who can address it properly. Nobody knows your limit, it is only you who knows your vulnerabilities, so you have to have faith with yourself and believe that you can do something about it, alone. 8. El hambre agudiza el ingenio. (Hunger sharpens the wit.) Your hunger for knowledge will lead you to more learnings. People leads to inventions because of the necessities of life. And this will lead you to the best that you can have. Peace of mind is really essential in living live to the fullest. In everything you do, you must keep in mind that what you need is to be truly happy without hurting other people. May these proverbs help you live your life

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