Sonia Sotomayor's My Beloved World

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Sonia Sotomayor's My Beloved World was an interesting and a relatable book especially to read in my first semester in college. I learned so much from Sotomayor’s experience and what she went through to come to the conclusion that everything is going to be okay. And as long as I set a personal goal for myself and don’t give up, I can do it. She did such an amazing job in writing this novel that we could imagine what it was like to be in her shoes, every detail and mood she set with each chapter was as if we were going through what she was and being able to see the world from her mind. And the more I read the more I could relate with her from having being the first generation to attend college, the loss of a parent, and how it’s okay to start from somewhere in …show more content…

Another point of the book where it seemed like it wasn’t Sotomayor writing, but instead felt like it was a part of my life that I was reading was when she mentioned her father’s death. It was saddening to read, but something I could relate to as well. Being just 5 years older than Sotomayor was when her father passed away I was 14, when my mother did. Although it wasn’t for Alcoholism, but yet of cancer, it was still something that I hope no child experiences at such a young age. It makes you grow and become mature for others around you, and you have to keep a brave face on for your family because sometimes you’re the only one left for them to depend on. And when Sotomayor went off at her mother that one part when her mother was in depression and let herself cry it was okay because that’s what you need to do once in awhile is to just let it out. She was told by her relatives to have a brave face on, but again at such a young age that’s not something a child should go through especially with more obstacles happening at the same

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