Soda Bottle Rocket Project

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The rocket launch project served to demonstrate how momentum, stability, drag, and a recovery system can aid a soda bottle rocket in flying. Though our rocket was not the prettiest, it did the job of utilizing water and compressed air to shoot into the air. Our challenge was to create a rocket that could withstand the force exerted on it during the launch, while making sure it could protect the egg inside of it. We tried changing many things until we created a rocket, cone, fin, and recovery system combination that worked. The overall look of our rocket included a plastic cone on top of a two liter bottle, and 4 fins around the base. Though our rocket The rocket flew because when the water, pushed into the 2-liter bottle, was released …show more content…

The center of pressure is the point where the total sum of a pressure field acts on a body, causing a force to act through that point. The center of gravity must be above the center of pressure in order for the rocket to work. After consulting the rocket readings, we discovered that as air rushes past the rocket, the larger air resistance forces below the center of gravity than above the center of gravity will help to straighten it out, pushing the tail of the rocket below the nose and producing stable flight. The swing test was a test used to confirm the rocket’s stability. It consisted of someone swinging our rocket around on a string, seeing if it would fall apart. It can also be used to determine how aerodynamic the rocket is. To increase the stability, we made sure the center of gravity was above the center of pressure and we used fins to stabilize our rocket. We decreased our rocket’s drag by making our cone out of plastic, instead of paper. We refrained from adding too much tape, which would increase the drag. We originally placed the parachute outside of the cone, but realized it would prevent the rocket from reaching the desirable height. Adding fins covered in tape and sculpted in the correct shape kept the rocket arrow dynamic. Because of the changes, drag was

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