Sociology And The Importance Of Socialization: The Importance Of Socialization

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This essay will talk about socialization in general, different factors contribute to our growth as individuals and how we socialize with primary and secondary agents help us understand norms, rules and act appropriately in different situations. Different sociologist conducted studies to help us understand more about the socialization process with evidence supporting the influence that environment, culture influence our behaviors in a certain way without knowing.
Socialisation is a process that starts at an early stage of life, sociologists define it as a process in which a child or a person learns about norms values from their primary agents whether that be parents or carers. They learn to behave appropriately in situations from what is a normal
The most famous ones whose theories were the most relatable to were Marx, Talcott Parsons and Durkheim. According to T.Parson, socialisation is important in the life of a person as it is how they individualise the norms and values of the society that inhabit .when individuals are successfully socialised and become a part of the big society; they internalise certain norms and values because it is believed to be right by society rather than our personal opinions about things.comparatively to Durkheim theory, although different in so many ways but highlight the importance of
What we might deem acceptable may not be acceptable to others and vice versa. We have things like food taboos, from one person’s point of view they might think it is okay to eat certain food because he/she has been raised with it however you go to another house that food might be a taboo such as pork for Muslims and beef for Hindus while that’s not alright for them it is fine for others and that shows us how culturally different we are reflecting how we grew up. We have marriage, in some countries arranged marriage is still happening and that is what has been passed on to them from their ancestors and the practice it to honor their works whereas in other cultures arranged marriage is not acceptable as it does not provide the two people enough time to get to know each other. We have clothes in some cultures, it is unacceptable for a woman to dress in clothing that reveals part of her body she must be covered up and in others, it is okay to dress like that to be appealing especially in the

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