Society Raised Mind Summary

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The Society Raised Mind My score for the implicit association task was that I preferred thin people to fat people. I chose this test because I thought that I would not have a bias, however, after taking this test I realized that I was very biased and more judgmental than I had originally believed. While taking the test, I was asked questions that I had never considered or thought about. I found myself unsure on some questions, and just putting that I was indifferent about the subjects that I did not know how to answer. After taking this test, I feel like I will be more cautious about the way I think about people and how I react to them based on appearance, whether thin or fat. The result that I received did, and did not shock me at the same time. I had figured that the outcome would be that I slightly preferred thin people to fat people, but I did not expect it to be so dramatic. My result was that I highly preferred it this way, and that I did indeed have a strong bias. While taking the test, I realized that I easily associated thin people with good words, and fat people with bad words. It was …show more content…

The way we are raised, and what the definition of beauty has become has altered how we see things and essentially, caused us to associate them with good and fat with bad. It’s true that people with these implicit associations show prejudice and explicit stereotypes; however that does not make them a bad person. They may seem rude, but the stereotypes are embedded in them, it is all they know. Due to the norm, a customary standard behavior that is shared by members of a society, outcomes the normative influence. The norm in this situation would be that beautiful people are thin. The normative influence basically causes an individual to be influenced by the thoughts of the popular society. Therefore, I also believed that a thin person was

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