Social Work Assignment Analysis

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Your written assignment should include:

My experience in doing the role play was medium. My feelings about demonstrating the role play video and skills on video is still uncomfortably. now. Since, this will be my first time making a video this makes me an unexperienced student.

I gained insight that asking the client questions because it helps me as a social worker to learn more about the client’s history and problems. As mentioned by Kirst-Ashman & Hull (2018) Social workers should, “present themselves as learns and engage clients and constituencies as experts of their own experiences.
Planning and executing the role-play as a student, I learned that if I am provided the tools and instructions to make the video I believe the assignment …show more content…

I believe that a new client will be nervous as I was having to make a video for the first time. The similarities are feeling uncomfortable, not sure of what to say. Hoping that you are saying the right things. I notices challenges such as the need to understand that clients will feel as I am feeling overwhelm when facing a new task and or session. I will keep this in mind as I prepare myself for a social worker, that my client on the other side may feel unease about meeting me and expecting feedback from …show more content…

I learned that I need more experience in not assuming, such as the client’s perception of the alliance, relationship satisfaction, empathy and treatment success. I must be open and listen more to the client needs. Our clients will tell us what they need if we use active listening skills. specific engagement techniques I used is learning that the challenges I might encounter when using micro practice skills while interviewing the client are successful engagement using both verbal and nonverbal language, cultural competence, showing appropriate empathy and assessing silences correctly. Performing micro interventions involve creating relationships with the clients, using correct behavior, and being adept while interviewing (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2018) From the very being the client needs to feel like they will be able to trust you and be comfortable enough with you to share things with you.
Social workers must demonstrate core facilitative skills, such as unconditional, positive regard, warmth, empathy, and genuineness when working with clients. Without these skills, premature termination, disengagement, and resistance are likely to occur with the client. Demonstrating these course skills without any intervention has been demonstrated to assist clients towards goal

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