Social Entertainment And Social Media

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From SnapChat to Instagram, our ever changing world has been flooded with social media. Almost 30 years ago the technology took the world by storm with the invention of the home computer system. The first known case of social media started with the Bulletin Board System, which allowed users to communicate where they could download files and send messages to other users. On August 6, 1991 that’s when everything changed with the creation of the World Wide Web otherwise known as the modern internet and by the mid-1990s, it was not going to slow down no matter how many people doubted it. Yahoo had just launched their site, and in 1995 they were the first to create the modern form of social media and allowed people to connect to others for personal …show more content…

Social entertainment blends entertaining, interactive, functionality and content including live video streaming, video chat communications, multi-player gaming, music and videos streaming, with social networking service such as social graph management, forums, reviews, ratings, and geo-location options. It is the foundation for a more immersive, interactive, enriching and engaging content consumption experience through social channels. Social entertainment is distinct from social networking websites in that the former is based fundamentally on immersive engaging experiences with functionality, content and people, while the latter is based primarily on building and maintaining relationships with other users. Typically, social entertainment is defined by the individual sites dedicated to a particular type of entertainment experience incorporating basic social networking services. You can find anything entertaining on social media especially in the gaming area; however I would make a gaming channel or a comedy channel to make someone’s day whether they are depressed or happy. My bright character always brings out the happiness in everyone I am around. Social media is more than a cesspool for TV and movies. This global conversation that takes place around events and the experiences people share based on what they watch, teaches us about consumer preferences. More

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