Effects of The Internet On Teenagers

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Human’s life has changed. Most of the people have come to cities instead of towns. Kids spend most of their time inside houses either watching TV or playing computer and maybe do their homework. Internet is one of the most recent changes in the last two decays. Not surprisingly, this new phenomenon is perhaps one of the greatest inventions of the last century, but unfortunately this occurrence has made some negative impact on our society and children.

Teenagers are the most common group of society who can get artificial by the internet. As a matter of fact, internet addiction is a common habit for teenagers which will affects their future, also can have an effect on their social behavior and their education. Teenagers are spending more time on internet with watching movies, gaming, chatting, etc. rather than doing their home work or study for their tests. In addition, another issue that has made the internet dangerous for teenagers to search is the pornography websites or adult fantasy role-play chat rooms that have been created. These sites have made teenagers addict individuals who are engaged in viewing, downloading, and trading online pornography or involved in adult fantasy role-play chat rooms.

Internet has become a new equipment to improve violence and disobedience. Teenagers can have easy access to the pornography sites or adult’s chartrooms. As a matter of fact recent researches has shown that Despite the potential negative effects on children using the Internet, more than 30% of surveyed parents had not discussed the downside of Internet use with their children (Internet Advisory Board, 2001), and 62% of parents of teenagers did not realize that their children had visited inappropriate Web sites (Yankelovich Partner...

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...eenagers have to spend for studying. According to National Center for Education Statistics (2002) 99% of public schools in the United States had access to the Internet and 64% of children ages 5 to 17 had Internet access at home. These data show that we can have a very educational society in future if our children learn the proper use of internet.

Internet is good for us and has helped us a lot to make a better world. We need to find a solution to stop inappropriate use of the internet or our teenagers will be the first victims of this phenomenon. If we can stop these improper usages then we can guarantee our future society with a powerful source of knowledge. Teenagers can use internet in future to improve human technology, But if we do not solve this issue now, then today’s teenagers will be the ones who have to pay and we cannot have a bright future for them.

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