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Obesity as a social problem
Features of social cognitive theory
Obesity is the social problem
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Childhood obesity is a public health challenge affecting people across the world; its rates increasing annually year by year. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), obesity now affects 1 in 6 children and adolescents in the United States. Factors contributing to child obesity include, but are not limited to genetics, the environment, and behavioral. This is an urgent health issue that needs to be addressed as child obesity is associated with increased risk of getting diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Moreover, this can lead children to have heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and chronic lung disease when they get older. Additionally, it is more likely that an obese child may become obese as an …show more content…
The Social Cognitive Theory (observational learning) implies that individuals can observe a behavior of others and at the same time it can influence their own future behaviors. The Social Cognitive Theory contains four processes of goal realization: attention and comprehension, retention, ability to perform the behavior, and the motivation to perform the behavior. The Social Cognitive Theory has been proven in being “One of the most commonly used theoretical frameworks underlying interventions to promote physical activity and healthy eating and prevent obesity in youth” (Rolling & Hong, 2016). A way to apply the Social Cognitive Theory would be to use environmental factors such as parental influence to persuade children’s behavior. Targeting parents as agents of change may be useful as children can mimic parents’ actions and therefore they can execute those same actions to their own future behaviors. Setting parents as good role models and having them make better food choices as well as spend more time outdoors can significantly impact their own children’s behavior. We can also introduce behavioral factors such as self-efficacy where children can motivate themselves in taking part in physical activities and in choosing the right foods. Self-efficacy is what makes a difference in how people think, act, and feel about themselves. It is good to point out that self-efficacy requires both perceived need and perceived reward. Children are more likely to change their negative, unhealthy behaviors to healthy ones if they have the individual confidence in their own abilities to perform it. Therefore, having high self-efficacy, will help obese children expect more of themselves and they are more likely to succeed at eating healthier and doing physical exercise. And finally, it takes
Child obesity is a current dilemma that has become an epidemic in Canadian society. Although the outbreak of cases of child obesity can be analyzed from a medical perspective, it should also be analyzed critically and sociologically to have a variety of perspectives from different sources. A critical sociological analysis of obesity requires the use of both past and present data regarding child obesity, along with discussing the implications of child obesity and relevant sociological theories and concepts for analysis. Using this information, it becomes clear that child obesity is a modern crisis that needs much more attention.
defined as an excess of Body Fat (BF). There is no consensus on a cutoff point for excess fatness
There is an alarming rise in childhood obesity throughout the United States, making it an epidemic in our country. Obesity has become a threat to the health of many children. Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. The percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2012. Similarly, the percentage of adolescents aged 12–19 years who were obese increased from 5% to nearly 21% over the same period.(Childhood Obesity Facts, 2015)
Behavioral psychology is a perspective that focuses on the experiences learned from the environment. One of the behavioral psychologists named J.B.Watson (1913) called this as the behaviorism. Behaviorism is concerned about the external like observable behavior instead of the internal like feeling. We are going to discuss the two theory of behaviorism that might causes increases of obesity in the world. The first theory is observed by Ivan Pavlov, Russian physiologist, who won the Nobel Prize in 1904. The observation of Pavlov is known as the process of classical conditioning. Pavlov conducted an experiment to measure the amount of saliva of a dog when food is given. He rings the bell every time he presents the food. After a several times of the stimulus, the dog started learn to salivate when the bell rings without food given. In conclusion, the dog has become classically conditioned when the dog have learned to salivate automatically while the bell rang. The second theory is observed by B.F Skinner (1938), according to McLeod author of Simply Psychology (2007) said B.F Skinner beli...
...mption of food and physical activity. To make their children more active, parents should stop buying videogames and set a time limit to decrease the amount of time their children spend in front of a computer screen. Another way to increase physical activity is to encourage children to join an extra-curricular activity. Although it is easiest to prevent obesity at a young age, many people in the United States grow up obese or become obese. To help and to encourage adults who are suffering from obesity, they need to learn the life-threatening effects that accompany the “heavy” burden.
Childhood obesity is a serious problem among American children. Some doctors are even calling childhood obesity an epidemic because of the large percentage of children being diagnosed each year as either overweight or obese. “According to DASH sixteen to thirty-three percent of American children each year is being told they are obese.” (Childhood Obesity) There is only a small percentage, approximately one percent, of those children who are obese due to physical or health related issues; although, a condition that is this serious, like obesity, could have been prevented. With close monitoring and choosing a healthier lifestyle there would be no reason to have such a high obesity rate in the United States (Caryn). Unfortunately, for these children that are now considered to be obese, they could possibly be facing some serious health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancers. All of these diseases have been linked to obesity through research. These children never asked for this to happen to them; however, it has happened, and now they will either live their entire life being obese, or they will be forced to reverse what has already been done (Childhood Obesity).
Individual problems such as addictions, illnesses and mental depression stalk us throughout our lives, but there is more to addictions, illnesses and mental depression than meets the eye. A good example of this theory is obesity. Obesity in Australia is turning into a problem and as the rates of obesity increase each year, the larger the problem expands. According to sociologist, C. Mills, problems can be divided into either troubles or issues and more often than not, a problem which is seen as a person trouble, when looked at globally, is in fact a social issue. This idea is referred to by C.Mills as the sociological imagination.
In an article written by Brug, Oenema, and Ferreira (2004), the authors explore the concept of usefulness and barriers in applying theories in the diet and physical activity behavior-change interventions. The authors explained that the theories that is use in the interventions are meant to understand the behavior and not the behavior change. Also, the theories that gives us insight on behavior change does not tell us what actually causes the person to change their behaviors. The authors conclude that behavior change theory can be use in the development of behavior nutrition and physical activity interventions, however, it must be generalized with careful interpretations of empirical evidence (Brug et al., 2004, p. 6). This article showed that there is a need of theoretical thinking in health promotion, however, not all theories will fit the need and the goal of the interventions. Similar to what we talked about in class where theories should tailor to interventions so that it could be more
The United States needs to do something to change the amount of childhood obesity in the nation. If the government requires children to take classes that require physical activity, abolishes school vending machines, and teaches children about healthy eating, then the amount of children that are obese in the United States will decrease significantly. Obesity is defined as the increase of body fat over time to the point where it can impact health in a negative manner and decrease life expectancy. Since the 1980’s, obesity has increased dramatically in the United States. Children have been greatly impacted in the increase of obesity. This is a major problem as someday these obese children could possibly turn into obese adults. If the population of obese adults and children keeps increasing, than not only will our country have a lot of severely unhealthy people but the cost of health care will increase dramatically.
According to the 1999-2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination survey says that, 16 percent of children around the ages of 6-19 years old are at risk of being obese. Obesity has increased in the last twenty years now. Obesity is like other disease, it impairs the normal body functioning. Children who are overweight have excess fat tissue that caus...
Children are the future, so why is it that we lack the initiative to enact change for them? In the United States, one in three children suffer from childhood obesity. This epidemic has caused a dramatic effect for children not only physically as well as mentally. Obesity has become more prominent in our society, because of societal structure. Child obesity has become the new norm in our generation, leading to a constant pass of blame from one person to the other, psychological effects on the children and an increase in the stigma and pressure put on children by the social standards present in our society.
Childhood obesity is a health problem that is becoming increasingly prevalent in society’s youth. For a number of years, children across the nation have become accustomed to occasionally participating in physical activities and regularly snacking on sugary treats. In result of these tendencies, approximately one third of American children are currently overweight or obese (Goodwin). These grim statistics effectively represent all the lack of adult interference, in regards to health, has done to the youth of America. The habits of over consuming foods and under participating in physical activities are all too common in the children of today. Children cannot solve this issue alone, though. These young people need to essentially be given the opportunities to make positive health decisions and learn about good, nutritional values.
In our society today one of the most difficult problems we are facing is the large numbers of obesity in our children. One of the major factors in that is this; our children have become less physically active. At an early age children start watching TV, learn how to operate a computer, and play video games. Having technological skills is now a necessity in all of our lives because everything has turned “computerized,” but the fact is that our children are relying on these types of entertainment rather than getting up and physically exercising to entertain them selves. This directly affects the large number of obese children in our country today because of the lack of physical exercise. It is not that we want our kids to look a certain way or to be better at sports than everyone else, but it is that we want our kids to be physically fit and to develop a healthy lifestyle. Physical exercise is not only for adults, it is for children as well, so we must understand the importance of our children exercising and the benefits from it. By doing that it will make an impact on that child for the rest of his/her life.
An after school program can be very effective because since most low income parents are still at work, children will be able to engage in physical activities rather than going home and watching television. There was a study that evaluated the effectiveness of an after-school program that taught health education and physical activities among Hispanic school children. The study found that the after-school participants were associated with a reduced body max index percentile as well as an increased aerobic capacity score, dietary objectives, and improved health outcomes. Similarly, a program was created that targeted preschool children called The Food Frends: Get Movin’ with Mighty Moves. This program was based on the Social Learning Theory that focuses on the interactions between environment, behavior, and personal factors to explain human behavior. The research showed an increase level of physical activity within the home environment among the participating preschool
A fundamental concept in psychology that can be used to address the problem of Childhood Obesity is the social-cultural perspective. Altering a lifestyle out of a child's home environment may damage their self-esteem (Golan and Crow, 2004). If one is actively encouraging the child, foods that are not healthy