Social Changes In Health And Social Care Essay

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The purpose of the paper, was to analyse the changes in the health and social care and the impacts on enteral feeding in the community. There have been several changes in health and social care for the last 10 years and the changes have improved service provision to meet the need of patient and that has brought about the introduction of the Health and Social Care Act, 2012 (Ono O. 2011. The developments in health and social care have had an impact in enteral feeding in community services and the changes in health and social care are very essential because they ensure patient’s highest quality of services (Day, 2013). Health and social care changes ensures that health professionals are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge …show more content…

According to (Nice clinical guidelines, 2006) defines the enteral feeding as the delivery of nutritionally complete feed that contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, water and minerals directly into the stomach. In other words, it is a method of feeding that uses gastrointestinal tract to deliver part of all caloric requirements to a person.
The development in enteral feeding in communities is driven by political and market forces, resource allocation, the need to improve patient treatment and advances in technology. People that suffer from long-term health conditions for example cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases require enteral feeding because of the complications that are related to the diseases (Gibbons, 2014). It is also used for patients that have poor nutrition and this helps improve their situation. The changes have been initiated by the fact that the number of people that require enteral services is increasing and the hospital capacity cannot be able to handle the increasing number (Ogden, 2012). To meet the needs of the increasing

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