Soccer's Influence On My Life

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From 2008-2015, I played select soccer for a man who was truly an influence on my life. During those years, my soccer coach always taught me that winning was not everything. He prepared me for soccer, but he also prepared me for my life ahead. As a member of his team, he never made us run because we did not win the game. He only asked that we try our hardest and gave it our best effort. My coach taught me how to be a well-rounded man while teaching me how to be a superb soccer player as well.
My coach’s name was coach Matt. He coached me since I was in second grade, which was when I started playing select soccer. At first, it was just all of my friends wanting to play soccer more than what my grade school offered. Our team was not that great, …show more content…

My coach would always check up on my teammates and I to see how we were doing in school. He enjoyed hearing us talk about matters other than soccer like hobbies and our families. He liked finding out more about our lives and he thought it was good for us boys to get to know each other off the field as well. He thought that if we communicated better outside of soccer, we would communicate and play better on the soccer field. He would set up parties and gatherings for all of the families to hang out and become more like friends than just teammates. We all loved our coach and we knew that he was the best guy for us to play …show more content…

During soccer season, if my parents were in a bind, he would offer to give me a ride home from practice and he would always ask me about school and everything that was happening in my life. He would ask me how my grades were and we would discuss my studies, what classes I liked and disliked on the commute home. Every time I got out of his truck, he would tell me to be good and always be nice to my parents. I appreciated hearing that because I knew that he was genuinely trying to help me. I realized after he retired from coaching that he shaped the man I am today.
At the end of every soccer game, I would always tell him thank you and then I would head home. Even after he retired from coaching, he would check up on me and see how I was doing. He even came to one of my De Smet soccer games my freshman year. Not only did he go attend my game, he attended a game of every other guy that played for him. We never asked him to come to our games as he had three kids of his own to chase around, but he came anyway because that is the kind of man he

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