Slumdog Millionaire Identity

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In the film Slumdog Millionaire there are different type of knowledge occurring in this film. The role of these types of knowledge are cohered and have their own frame of influence on the structural integrity of the film. Emotion: Emotion is a source of knowledge in this film, because emotion helps Jamal Malik understand the world around him. He’s brought up on the bottom of civilization and is confronted with all the negative aspects of this world. He accepts his faith as being brought up in poverty and thinks of it as a way of life. This imprinted a certain perception of the world in his mind, however it isn’t as big as his brother has. Salim sees the slums as an obstacle and sees money as a path to freedom and he sees that as a way of life. Therefore, it also influenced his reasoning in a way that he’ll do any cruelty in order to survive this unfair world. Salim’s emotions not only distort his beliefs, but also leads him into making bad irrational decisions. We see his actions as cruel, but in the means of survival they were smart in their own way. Later in the film he understand...

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