Slim-Fast Essay

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Slim-Fast Diet Slim-Fast Company manufactures meal replacement shakes, drink powders, protein snack bars, and meals, all throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, and Latin America ( Slim-Fast was introduced in 1977 funded by Thompson Medical Company. Increasing popularity, Slim-Fast was well known in the 1980’s. Televised advertisement was a main focal source to advertise their product, as well as having celebrity spokesmen features to help with advertisement. Thompson Medical Company diversified itself into Slim-Fast, in 1990. Unilever acquired the company, including the consumer products, in 2000. Slim-Fast advanced to its fame then was required to reevaluate its product design in 2003. Slim-Fast was introduced in 1977 as a powder to be mixed with low-fat milk. Slim-Fast was created to be utilize as a breakfast and lunch replacement, followed by a …show more content…

Slim-Fast is convenient in regards to expense, in comparison to other diet programs, Slim-Fast is less inexpensive. According to Malia Frey, “SlimFast may be less expensive than other diet plans that you consider. Some diet plans, like Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem and Weight Watchers require you to commit to a longer-term program in order to get the lowest price. SlimFast requires no commitment at all. You can try it for a day or a week or a month without having to cancel a subscription meal service or plan.” Another attribute that makes Slim-Fast highly appeasing for people is the ability of being able to grab a protein shake, not waste valuable time preparing for an adequate nutritious meal, and all while having the quality of a well tasting drink. “You’re grabbing a product,” says Blatner. “It’s catchy, clever, and easy to remember” (qtd. By Katherine Lee, Everyday

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