Junk Food Essay

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Junk food is a type of meal which is unhealthy and can negatively affect an individual’s health if consumed excessively. It is usually prepared, cooked, and served quickly. In the past, people used to eat healthy and home cooked meals. However, nowadays changes have occurred. People, especially young adults, prefer to eat junk food which causes a lot of harmful diseases. If the number of individuals eating fast food started to increase rapidly, it will lead to many serious disadvantages. This essay will mention the various causes and effects of eating a lot junk food on our lives.

First of all, our recent lifestyle is the main reason why people nowadays consume such vast amounts of junk food. In this generation, media and advertisement, such as television and radio commercials, are the main reasons behind people eating too much junk food as media hypnotizes and brain washes people into buying what seems to be delicious and cheap. According to a new report by the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity, in 2012, $4.6 billion was spent by junk food industry solely on advertising to support everyday visits by young people to fast food restaurants, mainly focusing on young children (Orciari, 2013).Since people are busy with their work and are always on the go, they have no time to cook, and are obligated to eat outside. Therefore, they spend less quality time together as a family. According to a survey, in some days, 55% of the UAE parents who have jobs mention that they do not even have one meal a day (Staff, 2014). These days, almost all women work full time jobs to gain income; therefore, they barely have time to cook for their families. If they do have time, they would be too tired to cook a proper balanced meal at the end of ...

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...e owner by paying the rent. According to Business Insider, last year, nearly 1000 restaurants opened in New York City. The next 5 years, 800 of them will go out of business due to many reasons such as poor service, horrible décor and so on (LAYA, 2011). The owner will be forced to close the business due to the negative impact to the profit.

In conclusion, junk food is a type of meal that is very cheap, enjoyable, and delicious. However, some causes of eating too much junk food are current lifestyle and spending extra money, and some effects would be health diseases and financial influence. Reduce eating fast food and start eating healthier food such as salad. If people eat fast food everyday or continuously, it can lead to many serious drawbacks such as health problems. Therefore, it is advised for individuals to look after their health and beware of what they eat.

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