Skill Mismatch Essay

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In today’s modern society, progress along with change is inevitable and with this, a growing business faces various challenges. Dealing with these different obstacles requires different approach towards a viable solution. Identifying and prevailing over the pitfalls inclined with the entity’s growth is essential as it continues to grow and create a sustainable progress for its future.
As a business continues to overcome and somehow adapt to changes, factors which are incorporated with it must be taken into consideration. One of the most important parts that must think about and never be neglected is the workforce. It is an essential part of an organization. It serves as the main engine of the business. Having skilled human resources is the …show more content…

The right job for the right people leads to an effective result. For that reason business nowadays should be more clever in selecting its workforce. A man put in a place or job fitted to him are expected to have an efficient outcome than those who has lack knowledge of the task assigned to him.
One of the common and mostly known problems in workforce nowadays is skill mismatch and how do it drastically affect a business. Skill mismatch is one of the dilemmas faced by economies in this era. It is the occurrence when a worker’s job does not correspond with his/ her level of education, experience and interests. These could lead to lower job contentment, skill loss, productivity loss, poor income stability and troubles with workforce attachment. As observation point out, in far too many cases, employees do not adequately match with the current jobs they are …show more content…

Due to this situation some business sectors have experience restructuring on their work practices. The skill mismatch which is already a present problem in the business sector’s workforce has even worsened due to the restructuring process. It leads to structural unemployment and shortage on both over education and skill shortage. As a solution, a program that aims to sustain the economic development by strengthening and ensuring the necessary skill and competencies are in the population was supported by the European policy makers. The program also aims to eradicate the skill mismatch’s pessimistic upshot in the deficient qualification of skills or vice versa of an individual in line to its job

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