Similarities and Differences in Lord Byron's Poems

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The power of love and emotion is evident in Lord Byron's poems, "She Walks in Beauty" and "So We'll Go No More A-Roving." Because of their consecutive placement in the book, "She Walks in Beauty" and "So We'll Go No More A-Roving" tell a story of a relationship. In the first poem, "She Walks in Beauty," the speaker glimpses a beautiful woman who reminds him of "the night" and "starry skies." Throughout the piece, the speaker is fascinated by her beautiful facial features. The last stanza summarizes this beautifully when he comments on her "eloquent" characteristics. In the last half of the story, "So We'll Go No More A-Roving," however, the speaker is losing the sparks of passion that he once had for his lover. This is largely captured in the second stanza when Byron writes, "For the sword outwears its sheath/And the soul wears out the breast/And the heart must pause to breathe/And love itself have rest." These two poems contrast each other in tone, as the attitude in "She Walks in Beauty" lovingly and passionately instills positive emotions in the reader. The repeating `s'...

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