Should Textbooks Be Taught In Schools

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Welcome to the new world full of more advanced technology, with tablets, phones and computers. As of right now, think about how students learn when using either textbooks or tables for educational learning. The U.S. Department of Education and the Federal Communications miraculously released a downloadable app, “Digital Textbook Playbook”, to “encourage collaboration accelerate the development of digital textbook and improve the quality and implementation of the digital learning in K-12 public education” (“Should Tablets…”). From, an astonishing news from the Archives of Disease of Childhood states that “the average weight of a student’s backpack is 15.4 pounds (an average of 3-4 textbooks), and the average weight of a tablet is between 0.75 to two pounds” …show more content…

Tablets increase the creativity and understanding of students’ learning. Tablets can access the internet ubiquitously, including schools, homes, and fast food. On the contrary. textbooks can not provide variety accessibility like what a tablet possesses. Bruce Barker, a researcher and debater in the book, The Internet: Opposing Views, analyzes the effects the internet puts on students, has indicated that “the Internet provides an electronic space where anyone, anywhere can access information, establish virtual learning communities with others, and work on collaborative projects, he maintains” (79). The fact infers that the society has already prefered the shift of hardbound books to digital technology for learning. Every student at any school has used a computer before. They have experienced the technological world and have either scorned or appreciated it. Students can save all their work without losing them, create their own stories in class, make less effort in finding the correct book page, and have teachers monitor incorrigible students. Giving the students the opportunity to explore the technology not only helps them become more creative, but also

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