Should Students Get Paid For Good Grades

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Throughout the years, many argue whether students should be paid for for the good grades they make. Some say that they should be paid because it encourages them to try harder. Students should not be rewarded for the good grades they make because it causes them to loose interest in actually learning, decreases the value of knowledge, and ultimately, it just does not work.If students were paid for making good grades, they would be more worried more about the money instead of actually learning. “Any type of ‘extrinsic’ reward, by and large, undermines motivation” (Flannery). Students should be motivated about learning rather than getting a reward. Instead of actually learning the material, students would rather find an easy way out and maybe …show more content…

Kids need to appreciate the chance they have to learn and take advantage of the free public school system. Throughout the world many kids are not give a chance at all to go to school. The Age describes how ”More than 100 million children worldwide do not attend school”(Ricci). If students put their selves in those kids shoes, they would appreciate what they have more. The only reward students should gain from their good grades is that the fact they get to learn. Knowledge is the key to anything in the world and students should appreciate that. The main truth is paying students for good grades just does not work. A lot of students are already promised an incentive ranging from cash rewards to pizza parties and they still refuse to try. It all depends on the student and their mindset on if whether they want to do good or not. Raising the Grade: How High School Reform Can Save Our Youth and Our Nation conducted a studies to test whether paying groups of kids for their grades made an impact. Schools in four major cities were tested but the experiment showed that ”Where kids were paid for good test scores… and paid for good grades, acheivement didn’t budge”(Wise

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