Should Kids Wear Uniforms

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100% of schools in Philadelphia use uniforms, but what makes them so special? The answer is that nothing about uniforms is special so we shouldn't have them. Uniforms first started in England in 1222, and they started in the United States in 1987. Most schools, especially in high poverty areas, wear uniforms. Uniforms cost too much money to only wear to one place, and they don't let kids express their individuality. The first reason uniforms should not be required is that they don't let kids express their individuality. When kids are at school it is obvious that kids don't like their uniforms and would rather be wearing their favorite color t-shirt instead. Kids walk around always complaining about how they wish they could be wearing …show more content…

At school when kids look around at everyone, they see kids with uniforms that are obviously from last year because they have stains and are run-down. According to a recent article, a reporter stated, “In York County, PA, a local NBC affiliate reported in Sept. 2014 that some children were missing class because their families couldn't afford to purchase the required uniforms.” Not only do uniforms affect kids at school, they can prevent them from even going to school. Like these children, others around the world face the same problems and with uniforms the problem will never be solved. Others might say that uniforms create a level playing field among students, reducing peer pressure and bullying. However, David L. Brunsma stated, “More affluent families buy more uniforms per child. The less affluent...they have’s more likely to be tattered, torn, and faded.” If the less fortunates clothes are worn out or have rips in them, them it is easy to tell who is poor and who is rich. With this in mind, bullies will make fun of the kids because of the ruined uniforms. In conclusion, students should not have to wear uniforms because of certain reasons. First of all, uniforms limit kids ability to express their personality and second, they cost too much money to only wear to one location. Schools who require uniforms should rethink them and change their dress code

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