Persuasive Essay Should school uniforms be required? Some say that uniforms help students focus on academics instead of fashion. Others believe that students should have the freedom to choose what they wear to school in order to express their differences and their uniqueness. After considering both sides of the issue, I strongly believe that uniforms should be introduced in primary public and private schools. Wearing school uniforms does not promote unfair comparisons between student’s incomes in terms of clothing; they aid students in developing their inner qualities instead of focusing on the outer aspects of themselves in the crucial earlier years of their lives, and provides a platform for practicing discipline. Wearing school uniforms …show more content…
Students are distracted by the variety of clothing they choose to wear it takes away from them gaining inner knowledge. Students choose to wear fancy, strange, or bright colorful clothes. Students become more interested in paying attention to what other students are wearing and what they have instead of focusing on the subject they are being taught in class. Students should be focusing on gaining new knowledge and skills. Wearing uniforms would teach students how to focus on their personalities, inner beauty, rather than their …show more content…
Parents have to locate the right pants, socks, and shirts. Parents have to work extra hard on getting stains out of the uniforms. Uniforms can be costlier than other clothing. Children have to find other ways to express themselves. For instance backpacks, accessories, and other aspects become more important. This can be a challenge if their children is already struggling to find away to express themselves. On the other hand uniforms can be a great opportunity to get your children involved in something new. Your children will not have to think about what they are going to wear when they get up in the mornings. Parents you will not have to tell your daughter that she is showing cleavage or her shorts are too shorts. Or even get that phone call to bring your son some extra jeans because the ones he wore today have holes in them. School uniforms can help your child feel like they are a part of a group because all of the students will be wearing them. I believe that there will be less bullying. I also strongly believe that school uniforms is a great idea and offer a lot of positives in comparison to the
Officials say that students feel happier when they don’t have to worry about their clothes. Which would help students focus in class better. Virginia Draa, assistant professor at Youngstown state university took a survey with students with uniforms and students without uniforms. Her results were fascinating, she said that even if their wasn’t that much of an academic improvement. But she said there were better attendance, graduation and Proficiency rates. It is proven that uniforms not only help for graduation and other rates it also helps to gain discipline. Having uniforms in school would help students take school more seriously. Students would feel equal in class because there wouldn’t be any differences in clothing.
It is a great idea for schools to implement a policy on school uniforms because statistics show that students who wear uniforms make better grades. Additionally, male students are not distracted by what female students are (or aren't) wearing. Moreover, students feel a sense of fairness with one another as they are all wearing the same things. When students are at one with one another, their confidence soars, which leads to better academic performance. Student uniforms help reduce the amount of bullying, and students who would normally be bullied now have a much better disposition while at school.
High school is typically a time when kids begin to distinguish themselves from one another. Students begin to develop their own sense of personal style, desperately trying to both fit in and stand out simultaneously. Being self-conscious and often lacking the confidence needed to assert themselves, teens are forced to use clothing and outward appearance as the means to manifest this individuality. Thus, students should not be forced to wear uniforms to school. Standard uniforms are unproven deterrents to student violence; are a "Band-Aid" to cover up the real problems faced by children and teens; and they violate students' right of self-expression, depriving them of their search for identity.
Mentioned in Pros and Cons of School Uniforms, “When children wear their own clothes into school, this then becomes a time for them to judge each other, so it prevents competition and teasing” (Pros and Cons of School Uniforms). When you have school uniforms you won’t be wearing different things so you will become more equal. If the students are equal, it then reduces judgement and bullying between the students and makes the school a better place. Another positive statement on how school uniforms are beneficial comes from, Pros and Cons of School Uniforms, “Many educators believe that students who wear school uniforms perform better academically in school, and a study done in 1988 by Notre Dame shows a slight statistical evaluation in student performances among students who wear uniforms” (LoveToKnow). School uniforms will remove the clothing distraction and increase the amount of time given to the academics. Some students take time in the morning to get ready for school, uniforms will allow that time for sleep and studies. According to, “Parents can reduce their financial burden when their children are limited to wearing one outfit everyday” (ProConorg Headlines). You won’t feel the pressure to buy clothes that are in style, or expensive and trendy. Uniforms are easier to maintain. They tend to last longer and can be washed easier than other clothes. Wearing school uniforms create a community of higher educated students and equality to
School Uniforms are a logical choice for the public school venue. Uniforms prevent students from a lower income background to be singled out for poorly made or cheap clothing, prevents use of gang colors, allows for certain safety measures, and allows teachers to form impressions of students based on actions and work rather than dress code choices.
You are less likely to be picked on or “judged” by other people if you are wearing uniforms. Because when those uniforms come on you are looked upon as equal. On the other hand when you wear your own clothes there is always the kid the does not have the “cool” clothes, or their clothes are not good enough, don’t match, doesn't follow the dress code. But suddenly that all goes away with a uniform.
Uniforms are to help students to focus and do better in school and outside of school. School outfits are one of several factors that influence learning. It allows students to look more formal in their personality and not how they dress. Students are allowed to determine what is expected at school and the freedom they have outside of school. It also helps learners to be more disciplined in their education and keep them from distractions such as clothe design competition.
Children tend to break off into “cliques” and uniforms could possibly help unite students. Finding creative ways to express their individuality through other outlets other than fashion can help children forge friendships based on their common interests. In conclusion, I feel that school uniforms are something all schools should really consider implementing in their policy. All of these points show that they can be budget-friendly, help children focus and lower the barriers children can build up because of merely what they are wearing.
At the beginning of the 20th century almost no parent or faculty had any concerns with how students dressed to attend school. Nowadays, though, this is a giant concern among students, parents, and school board officials. Many arguments have been made over the matter saying uniforms should be required and enforced in schools. But, uniforms should not be required as they ultimately eliminate freedom of expression, promote conformity over individuality, may have a detrimental effect on students self image, emphasize the socioeconomic divisions they are supposed to eliminate, and lastly, school uniforms in public schools undermine the promise of a free education by adding an extra expense for families.
School uniforms are a boiling conversation point these days. There are so many well-built points of view about what route parents, students, and superintendents wish to go in. It has been disputed that school uniforms have the potential to make a school safer, that uniforms reduce harassment or self-esteem issues, and that uniforms return the focus to the students' learning. I disagree. I, in fact think that school uniforms do not help make our schools a more secure place, I think that they do not revisit the center of attention to student's education - they just shifted where the attention was previous, and that they won’t help cut down on harassment or self- esteem issues in school.
“We cannot forget that reinforcing economic differences drives students further apart when schools should be drawing them closer together.” There are many problems in public schools with no uniforms. The use of school uniforms could eliminate some of these problems. Although school uniforms may take away a child’s individuality, there are more benefits than disadvantages to having school uniforms in public schools because school uniforms lessen the money spent on the latest fashion trends and school uniforms provide a positive school climate. A school uniform should be a simple outfit.
Those who are pro-uniforms insist that uniforms will allow families to save money and time on clothing. This is so because these days children often get ready by themselves, because their parents are usually off to work before they wake up for school (Linder-Altman). Uniforms give the parents of these children confidence that their child is going to school looking halfway decent. There are also claims that uniforms will decrease the amount of bullying in school because all of the students will look alike. On the other hand, those protesting uniforms believe although everyone is pretty much dressed the same, cliques will still form and bullying will still exist (dress code and uniforms).
All individuals struggle with discovering who they are and who they may want to be in the future. School environment, either negatively or positively, impacts the result of this greatly. Uniforms in the learning environment have become a highly debated subject all across the country. Although some individuals believe school uniforms have a positive affect, those people should understand the negatives because uniforms promote appearance over character, lower student’s self-esteem, and conflict with the right of expression.
Have you ever considered why students should wear a school uniform? For a long time, scholars have debated worldwide, whether students should wear a school uniform or not. After a lot of research, I can evidently see that people still have diverse opinions about this subject as some people think school uniform is essential, some are just fine with its existence, and some think it is useless.
Point 1 (Brian): Having school uniforms will greatly lift the feeling of teamwork and sense of school spirit and belonging, and is a benefit for students. According to, school uniform programs make it easier for students to develop a sense of belonging at school because greater attention is given to who they are instead of what they wear. School uniforms will make students feel that they are ...