Persuasive Essay: Should School Uniforms Help Students?

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"If it means that the schoolrooms will be more orderly and more disciplined, and that our young people will learn to evaluate themselves by what they are on the inside instead of what they're wearing on the outside, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear uniforms." Former President Clinton said this in a speech in in March of 1996. There is an immense controversy about whether a school uniform will help or hinder a student. After much deliberation and inquiry, public schools should be allowed to enforce their students to wear uniforms. The largest part of the debate is whether or not the uniform hinders a student's personal expression.. Along with giving kids the chance to learn different ways to express themselves, other than their clothes, uniforms are an excellent way to free up time in the morning. It gives parents the time to have that second or third cup of coffee in order to prepare themselves to face the day and for kids to actually eat their entire breakfast. Sadly bullying is a major problem in public schools and no one really knows how to stop it. Uniforms surprisingly help decrease bullying and also help drop the overall crime rate.

Even though the uniforms can be costly, they tend to save families money in the overall years. With ordering school uniforms most places tend to have the payment all upfront and can be able to buy more as needed throughout the year. Would it not be wonderful to buy a child’s school clothing once during the year and be done with buying clothing ever again, even shoes? Average uniforms cost 150- to 250 dollars, this would mean paying for them once at the beginning and be done shopping for school clothes for the year. Uniforms were designed with material t...

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...yles, even possibly start learning a language. Implementing uniforms helps kids really focus on school work and school activities.

In conclusion public schools should be able to require uniforms for their students in result of all the benefits that have been collected from uniforms research. Uniforms benefit the school, family and kids. Kids wearing uniforms help prevents bullying by not having the children judge each other on social standing. By being easier to choose they save time in the morning for both parent and children. Even with all the self-expression controversies, uniforms really help the students learn and experience different way to show themselves through new things. uniforms have a positive effect on most aspects of a daily life, starting with time in the morning and ending with the student working on some new project to better express themselves.

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