Benefits Of School Uniforms

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Benefits of School Uniforms
Public schools need to be brought back under control by changing the learning system in some of the simplest ways. Today’s schools’ system is not doing as well as before. The crime rate has risen, a significant amount of girls are being sexually harassed, and bulling in schools has gone to a whole other level. With “gangsters” roaming the halls; kids don’t feel safe because they are being harassed. The worst part of the many students is that their discipline is rotten and has got to be rebuilt. There is a solution to all these problems. Public schools, K-12, must implement school uniforms across the nation to bring the benefits of a decent education system.
With many of the schools that do not use school uniforms, they are having trouble with their students, and the school environment is collapsing. Two very educated people that work on keeping schools safe; Linda Lumsden and Gabriel Miller’s, in their article “School Uniforms and Dress Codes”, they have informed people the biggest reasons school crime exists. Some kids come in dressed promoting drugs and alcohol, others come in dressed in “swag in gang related clothes”, and other students come to school with sexually provocative clothing (Lumsden, Miller). This is getting out of hand because so many students are wearing cloths, which is provocative, and no one is taking serious control to stop them from being a distraction to other students. Also one of the biggest issues with schools these days, are the school shootings. Sherry Bowen, a professional in the education system has informed people about how easy it is to sneak in weapons to school. By using schools uniforms it will be hard to sneak in a gun, or other harmful weapon (Bowen). With schoo...

... middle of paper ... idea, even though; school uniforms will make a beneficial change to public schools.
Public school K-12 must implement school uniforms across the nation to bring the benefits of a decent education system. There will be less bulling, which will enable students to feel safe. There will be no gang related issues. Parents will not have to pay lots of money for their kids’ clothes. Also parents will not have to worry about what the kids are wearing to school. There will be less stolen valuables from the students. Students will be disciplined causing them to focus more on school, preparing them for a bright future. Females will not be sexually harassed and not bring unwanted attention. There will be less peer pressure to wear clothes that is in style or brand name. School uniforms must be implemented by public schools, K-12, because of the benefits it that come along.

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