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School uniform policy debate
Arguments for banning school uniforms
Arguments for banning school uniforms
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The Effects of Wearing Uniforms in Public Schools
Uniforms in public schools are becoming accepted throughout the world. The public school systems would benefit significantly if this policy were to be accepted. Wearing uniforms in public schools result in positive effects.
A dress code enforces discipline toward learning by changing a person’s attitude toward success. Students generally act the way they are dressed. With fewer fashion distractions, school will be seen as a priority for teaching and learning rather than trend competitions. This alteration leads to modification in grades because it’s much easier to focus when everyone is dressed alike. Furthermore, a student’s attendance also improves; with the relief of picking out a new outfit every morning.
Schools requiring uniforms will experience reduction in violence. Without the pressure of competing with different styles, students are more relaxed in school. They will feel equal and at peace, leading to disappearing thoughts of violence. Obligated uniforms will reduce the weapon dilemma considerably. They will be harder to conceal with all students dressed the identically, therefore fewer will be brought to school.
Parents are also impacted when schools require uniforms. Some argue that this policy is too expensive; uniforms are actually more affordable. For example, an average parent of a teen that attends a public school spends over $500.00 a year on clothes alone, while a parent of a teen with a uniform policy spends less then $200.00 a year. There are fewer clothes to purchase, therefore less money to spend.
Uniforms provide students with school uniqueness. Students will stand out in field trips and other school activities feeling a sense of belonging. A bond will then form and unite more students together.
Ever wonder what it would look like to have all students wearing the same white polo shirt, black pants, and a district sweater walking in the hallway? Nowadays, public school and many districts are discussing the possibilities of enforcing the uniform policy. In most places, many private schools already require students to have their mandatory uniforms; however, there are only a few public schools adopting this mandatory school-uniform polices as one of their enrollment requirements. The reason why not all public schools participated was because people believe that they are violating the freedom of choice when enforcing this mandatory uniform policy; yet problems such as bullying and segregation, emerged in these schools. Some people still think uniforms have no benefits at all. However, all public school students should be required to wear uniforms because it would improve the academic performance, reduce the violent behaviors based on appearance judgment, and provide less stress for both parents and students.
Brunsma, David L. "The Effects of School Uniforms and Dress Codes on Behavioral and Social
It is a great idea for schools to implement a policy on school uniforms because statistics show that students who wear uniforms make better grades, the male students are not going to be distracted by what the female students are (or aren't) wearing, and students feel a sense of fairness with one another as they are all wearing the same things and when students are at one with one another their confidence soars, which leads to doing better at school. Student uniforms helps with reducing the amount of bullying therefore the students who would normally be bullied now have a much better disposition while at school, which will lead to a healthier safer learning environment. When students feel less threatened at school, they can concentrate better which leads to better grades. The schools which have an enforced uniform policy have properly dressed students. When teenage girls, want to impress teenage boys dress inappropriately it causes a lot of distractions and trouble. The girls are also envious of on one another so unrest is caused in the classroom throughout the day, not only with the boys who are looking at the girls, but also at the girls who are jealous of the ones getting the attention.
School uniforms are affecting the amount of money spent on clothing in a negative way. Many people think parents/guardians are saving money, but really, they are just spending more money. If one were to think about it, school uniforms can’t be worn outside of school. Why would someone want to spend $300 on school uniforms, and then have to spend $200 on clothes worn outside of school?
Mentioned in Pros and Cons of School Uniforms, “When children wear their own clothes into school, this then becomes a time for them to judge each other, so it prevents competition and teasing” (Pros and Cons of School Uniforms). When you have school uniforms you won’t be wearing different things so you will become more equal. If the students are equal, it then reduces judgement and bullying between the students and makes the school a better place. Another positive statement on how school uniforms are beneficial comes from, Pros and Cons of School Uniforms, “Many educators believe that students who wear school uniforms perform better academically in school, and a study done in 1988 by Notre Dame shows a slight statistical evaluation in student performances among students who wear uniforms” (LoveToKnow). School uniforms will remove the clothing distraction and increase the amount of time given to the academics. Some students take time in the morning to get ready for school, uniforms will allow that time for sleep and studies. According to Procon.org, “Parents can reduce their financial burden when their children are limited to wearing one outfit everyday” (ProConorg Headlines). You won’t feel the pressure to buy clothes that are in style, or expensive and trendy. Uniforms are easier to maintain. They tend to last longer and can be washed easier than other clothes. Wearing school uniforms create a community of higher educated students and equality to
Having a mandated uniform policy in place assists in easing the burden of school clothing costs by allowing parents to shop for more reasonable prices, because the clothes will look the same regardless of the brand. School bullying can be reduced by not easily being able to determine the more expensive garments versus the less expensive, eliminating the ease with which individuals profile based on income status. Students who regularly bully other students based on clothing choices will be eliminated, improving student behavior. This policy also allows students to concentrate more on their studies than on the next new clothing fad, resulting in more academic progress. Reducing distractions stemming from student clothing choices enables students to concentrate on what they are in school doing, which is learning.
When students are not wearing uniforms, students are tending to act the way they are dressed for school. Uniforms are to help students to focus and do better in school and outside of school. School outfits are one of several demands factors that influence learning. It allows students to look more formal on their personality and not how they are dress. Students are allowed determined what is expected at school and the freedom they have outside of school in fashion. It also helps learners to be more discipline in their education and keep them from distractions as clothe design competition to each other. The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and Asia-Pacific Economics Blog (APECSEC) statistics have shown that uniforms impacted in classroom discipline of 85 percent and 44 percent of attendance ( School Uniforms Pros and Cons 5) and (National Assoclation of Elementary School Principle 1-2). When school system is not demand for students to wear uniforms and represent the school, sometime students are not willing to attend classes. Professor Scott
In society today, school-age children are under tremendous pressure to fit in with their peers and still perform well academically. I believe that school uniforms in pre-K through high school levels is an excellent way to help children succeed not only in school, but to prepare them for college and the “real world.” Three reasons why I believe school uniforms should be used in all schools is first, they are economic, next, they reduce distractions and finally, they help with social equality.
At the beginning of the 20th century almost no parent or faculty had any concerns with how students dressed to attend school. Nowadays, though, this is a giant concern among students, parents, and school board officials. Many arguments have been made over the matter saying uniforms should be required and enforced in schools. But, uniforms should not be required as they ultimately eliminate freedom of expression, promote conformity over individuality, may have a detrimental effect on students self image, emphasize the socioeconomic divisions they are supposed to eliminate, and lastly, school uniforms in public schools undermine the promise of a free education by adding an extra expense for families.
Worrying more about others, rather than themselves, students pay more attention to the appearance of their peers instead of their academics. To begin, if school uniforms became apart of the school policy, students’ academics would improve phenomenally. Hanley noted that “The reason for the policy [was] to further improve ascending test scores and provide a safe, comfortable learning environment” (A1+). Clearly, school administrators wanted to improve test scores, and they figured if students dressed the same, then they would have no other choice but to focus on their school work. If the students can concentrate on their school work, then they will have high self- esteem. Furthermore, Valdez believes that school uniforms, positively, will change student academics: “… [they] decrease self consciousness and increase self esteem...” (14). Reasonable and realistic, students who feel better about themselves will succeed in school rather than those who have poor self-esteem. Not only do school uniforms encourage students to have a better attitude about themselves, but they also change the environment in which students learn....
By requiring school uniforms in public schools, education will be improved. A dress code will enforce discipline toward learning. Uniforms improve a person’s outlook toward success. Students generally act the way they are dressed. With fewer distractions, students see the school as a workplace for teaching and learning. Students also have less stress in their lives because they are not in a fashion competition. Dress codes also lead to a change in grades. Mainly this happens because the student’s attendance comes up. There is also a change in grades because it is easier to focus when everyone looks alike.
A major reason that schools should have uniforms is because students will get along better. They wouldn’t compare each other based on whose wearing what. This is opposed to a school with no uniform some students will feel inferior to the one’s wearing brand name clothes. Also uniforms lower the chances of jealousy between the students. The students would feel more unified with each other. Further more school uniforms can alleviate school violence, because it will help kids with less money escape the teasing they would get if the school had no uniforms. Also uniforms will help differentiate students from gan...
Often times, it is a challenge for teachers to maintain this pristine student behavior, but this can be easily accomplished with school uniforms. When equipped with school uniforms, students are more poised and courteous in the learning environment ("School Dress Codes Are Necessary"). Consequently, students are less distracting and more respectful towards instructors. Furthermore, not only do school uniforms improve behavior inside the classroom, but outside the classroom as well. For instance, by implementing school uniforms at California’s Long Beach School District, crime, suspensions, and sex offenses all dropped by at least 90% ("School Uniform Statistics."). Nearly depleting such momentous issues results in a much safer learning environment. Obviously, integrating school uniforms into schools is an intelligent decision, for they improve student behavior inside and outside of
In fact, one in five public schools throughout the US are required to wear them. It has been said that on average, high-poverty areas with public schools are more common to have school uniforms mandatory. The first school district in the US to acquire the school uniforms was in Long Beach, California roughly a decade and a half ago. As of 2008, 22 states have enforced the utilization of school uniforms. Studies show that US schools with a minority student population of 50% are four times as likely to require uniforms than schools with a minority population of 20-49%, and 24 times more likely than schools with minority populations of 5%-19%. Studies also show that the cities with the highest use of uniforms in public schools are New Orleans with 95%, Cleveland with 85%, Chicago with 80%, and Boston with 65%. Those studies were based off teachers and parents. 23% of all public and private schools are required to wear school uniforms and have a dress code. The annual cost of school uniforms sales runs about 1.3 billion around the world, and roughly 249 dollars per parent. With that being said, school uniforms could reduce the stress that comes along with school shopping. That is one less item that parents have to worry about. Just having to buy school uniforms instead of a whole new wardrobe after every new yea could help several families save money. It is said that having uniforms could potentially help families concentrate on where it matters most, which is the quality of the education that their child
Introduction: The motion brought before the house today is “All schools should enforce the wearing of school uniforms from primary 1 to secondary 4.” This is a topic that is hot on the lips of educators, students and parents. School uniforms are a specific set or group of school-standardised clothing. If we look at America, only private and non-government run schools that institute the wearing of school uniforms. In Hong Kong, most schools require their students to wear school uniforms. My team is definitely in favour of schools having their students wear school uniforms. My teammates and I will demonstrate to you that the benefits brought by the wearing of school uniforms far outweigh any perceived disadvantages. Our first main argument, which will be explained by Brian, is that enforcing school uniforms in all schools will lift school spirit greatly. Justine will discuss our second argument, being that school uniforms reduce the amount of bullying. The fourth speaker, Ray, will debate about casual clothing distracting students. Finally, Joyce will summarise our arguments, convincing you,without a doubt, that school uniforms MUST be enforced in all schools.