Should High School Students Be Required To Wear Uniforms Essay

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Rough Draft Have you ever wondered how it will feel to wear school uniforms? Aren’t you tired of worrying about what you are going to wear to school every day? Well, I believe we don’t have to anymore. I believe that high school students should be required to wear school uniforms. It would be beneficial in many ways. By wearing school uniforms parents would save money from buying new outfit frequently, it will also save you time, from searching for what to wear every school day and also will reduce the amount of people being judged or bullied. If school uniforms are enforced, parents wouldn’t have to spend as much money, buying school outfits for their child. Based on the article “School Uniforms Saves Money, Avoid Problems” by Brittany Whelan, She implies that it would be cheaper for the parents to buy five same outfits for school, than buying 10-20 different outfits. With school uniforms, students wouldn’t have to buy expensive outfits just to look good, and you wouldn’t buy outfits as often you would if there were no school uniforms. Enforcing …show more content…

If school uniforms were enforced, we wouldn’t have to think of what we are going to wear every single time, We could substitute the time used in searching for school outfits, to do something else more productive. Based on the discussion lead by a College teacher on “” he quotes “ Not only do students have to think of what to wear, they have to go out and buy them, this can be very time consuming” So that is time and money that’s being spent for school clothes, which can be used for other purposes. Research has shown that if school uniforms were enforced, a student will be less stressed out in the morning because there is little thought needed and hence requires little time, than if there were not an enforced school uniforms. In concluding, students will save much of their time if school uniforms were

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