Should Gum Be Allowed In Schools Research Paper

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Would allowing gum in school really benefit kids? Gum is dirty, loud, distracting, can carry harmful diseases, and people stick their gum to furniture. The topic of this article is gum in schools and if it should be allowed in schools. Some people think that gum is good for kids to learn because the chewing motion pumps more blood to the brain allowing the child to focus more. But others think it is an inconvenience because people stick it on the floor, desks, or chairs and that it can carry diseases. But this article will be demonstrating how gum is not good for kids and why it should stay banned at schools.

One reason why chewing gum is bad for schools is that it can carry many diseases that are extremely harmful to the human body. A website called ( states that "Chewing gum spat out on the streets of Tokyo contains as many as 10 million thriving bacteria per gram of gum." This shows how sick you can get by just accidentally touching a piece of gum. Just …show more content…

A video called (Chewing Gum: A Student's Friend or Foe?) states that "A custodian at Frasier public school shows how much time and money goes into the process of scraping gum off of desks and tables." It takes a long time to scrape gum off of desks and tables and it shows why gum should not be allowed at school. Every time a kid sticks their gum on the bottom of desks it costs the school more money to scrape it off and clean it. The website called ( states that "Westminster Council says almost three million pieces of gum are dropped on the streets in the West End of London each year." This shows how much gum is left on the ground and why it is just an inconvenience. This shows why gum is not good for schools because it takes people extremely long to scrape gum off of furniture. All it does is make the school spend more tax dollars on scraping

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