Should Employees be Available via Emails or Messages Even After Their Working Hours

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Nowadays, technology becomes to be a part of life. People try to develop the technology to improve the life. Therefore, technology contributes to the convenience in daily life. Most of people adapt to their work to make it easier, such as using email and other messengers to communicate in their work. There are many advantages of today technology to support working. However, if peopleimproperly use, these technologies are unbeneficial for both employees and employers. There are two reasons why employees should not be available via email or other messengers during after working hours; to protect employees’ mental health and to give worker’s private time.
To protect the worker’s mental health is first reason for opposing the out-of-office work. Today, the workers take more than 8 hours a day in the office. Some workers do not work only in the working hour, but they also work overtime to finish their project in that day before getting another work tomorrow. It seems the workers tend to have too much stress. If workers have to deal with overloaded work every day, in the long run it would ...

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