Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay

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Argument Essay Athletes are people with amazing talents. Although to some it is reasonable most people do not agree with the salary they earn on the day to day. The most paid athlete in the industry is Floyd Mayweather. His net worth is 560 million dollars. His salary is 300 million dollars. This shows unfair the payment of people are. People like doctors total salary per year is only 189000 dollars. Doctors save lives athletes are for our enjoyment to watch. Who would you rather have. It is important that all people should get a providing salary, but some occupations deserve more than others. For example, a job that deserves more money is a doctor. People like doctors deserve a higher salary. Doctors go to school for years to provide for others needs. They go through extensive training to become a doctor. Also, their student loans debt can last up until they are in their late sixties and early seventies. Which brings back to the fact they should be paid more. “In …show more content…

Doctors,farmers, police officers, fire officials, military soldiers, and so many other people deserve so much more pay. All the following people risk lives, save lives, help lives and more have a much more important place in our world. Without some of these people we would be crumbling apart as a society. Not to mention teachers. We would not be here without teachers. They need to be paid more. We do not need athletes for our health, safety,and overall needs. We do not need entertainment. Athletes are wants to watch not needs. In conclusion we need to make people's salaries more fair. This paper should make you more aware of these things. Be sure to thank those people who do so much. Although athletes are still amazing put them into context. Do something to help this cause. We need society to realize this. This is not fair and nobody deserves this amount of money. This is how people become

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