Should College Athletes Get Paid Essay

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A commonly brought up argument is whether or not college athletes should get paid. College athletes put their bodies on the line every time they play. Injuries happen in college sports all the time. Paying these athletes is the least the NCAA could do. College sports are very time consuming, and some athletes cannot get a great education because of this. Paying college athletes will help them when they are out of school. states that there is more than 460,000 athletes in college. People ask how all of them get paid? Colleges should pay their athletes the amount of money they feel can help them. Let the colleges decide how much to pay their athletes. Paying college athletes will make the game more competitive and fun to watch. They have something to play for when they are given an allowance.
The most important reason for why college athletes should get paid is the injuries they sustain while playing. Horrific injuries have happened to college athletes that have changed their life, physical and financially. In 2013, one of Louisville’s guard, Kevin Ware broke the bone out of his leg. Ware’s medical bills were crazy. Kevin Ware isn’t the only college athlete who has gotten injured. Many college athletes have become paralyzed, and have had to change the way …show more content…

If college athletes are given the chance to get paid they would have something to play for. They will work harder, hoping to do enough to get some money for playing. Also, the competition would be better if college athletes gets paid. Sales will rise making the NCAA earn more. People want to see a good game between athletes that try their hardest. If these athletes get paid, people will be able to get what they want, the NCAA gets more money, and the athletes can get paid… everyone wins. The NCAA wants to send their athletes to the pros, and paying them will make that easier, and change the sports in the

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