Should Abortion Be Restricted Essay

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Many college students have issues they come encounter with on a daily basis. One of the issues is unprotected sex, which leads to many different outcomes. There are approximately 1.21 million abortions per year and 115,000 abortions that occur every day. So, should abortion be more restricted? Is abortion alright under the circumstances we have today? Also is abortion considered a crime? Many people say let’s get rid of abortion but in this essay I state positive and negative reasons. Under circumstances we have today we can prevent many things but we choose not to. These are mistakes and everyone makes them, I feel you have to mess up to learn from your mistake. Yes I feel as if abortion should be restricted but for only certain reasons. I could only imagine how down a woman feels after knowing she just …show more content…

An estimated “32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year” (National Center for Biotechnology Information). So just because females have a choice sometimes it isn’t right to take a life but circumstances change as time changes. In the article ‘Rape-related Pregnancy: Estimates and Descriptive Characteristics from a National Sample of Women’ it is said “among 34 cases rape-related pregnancies the majority occurred among adolescents and resulted from assault by a known, often related perpetrator”. So abortion caused by rape should be an exception if abortion should be restricted.

For a lot of women getting abortions they are taking a huge risk because as you are getting that abortion you are damaging the inside of your body. Abortions can cause physical as well as psychological trauma with research showing an increased likelihood of miscarriage and placenta previa in any subsequent pregnancies” (Anderson). Research shows abortions increase the likelihood of miscarriages and placenta previa (your placenta is lying unusually low in your

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