Shattered Quotes

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In my fourth and final meeting for book club, my group and I have read the whole novel of Shattered. And when our roles were shared, I learned new things about the novel such as why the novel is called Shattered as well as a connection between the main character Ian to myself. To begin, I obtained knowledge of the reason to why the novel has the name Shattered. Evidence to support from the novel is when Jacques says “You see those shards of glass? He said, pointing to the jagged pieces of the bottle on the ground. Do you think you can put them together again? Do you think anything or anybody could ever make it whole again? Well, do you? It’s not just broken, it’s shattered into a million pieces and it can never be put back together again. Never. …show more content…

That bottle … that’s me … nobody, nothing, can ever put the pieces together again. And even if my life could be put back together again, it would never be the same. What was inside of me, he said, placing his hands on his chest, that is gone … gone forever.”(Walters 174). The importance of this quote is that it shows how the title of the novel Shattered was a crucial word used by Jacques and how he describes his shattered life. Also, the word shattered gives me a better understanding of the novel because it is a great way to describe what goes through Jacques mind over the course of the novel. Next, during the book club discussion, I also created a connection from the main character Ian to myself. Ian is a 15-year-old boy who needs to complete community service hours to pass his civics course. While working at a homeless kitchen called “The Club” Ian meets a poor person named Sarge (who later on in the novel reveals his real name which is Jacques) who finds out he was a previous militant and went to war in a place called Rwanda located in central Africa. Because of Ian’s lack of knowledge of the events that occurred in Rwanda, Jacques got offended. So Ian decided to conduct research about Rwanda and found out that a genocide took place

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