Self-Discrepancy Essay

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Over the last 15 years or so, our world was revolutionized with the use of social media. According the data collected by Camscore in 2011 about 90% of all Americans visit a social media website every month. The cyberspace presents us various mediums in which we present ourselves. These mediums include social networking, dating sites, online games, virtual reality worlds, and even commenting sections of publication websites. In most of these mediums, others know you based only on the information that you put out there, whether it be your opinion about an article, a picture you share, a status update on a social networking website, or even the character you create in a massively multiplayer online game (MMO). A question rises based on this. How do you present yourself to others in these online mediums?
The self-discrepancy theory developed by Edward Higgins states that people have three basic domains of the self: actual, ideal, and ought. Each self can also vary based on its standpoint. The theory describes two different vantage points: own and other. The actual self represents the traits and characteristics that you possess and express in a social environment. The actual self can vary between what you picture yourself as, own viewpoint, and what others close to you picture you as, other viewpoint. Then there is the ideal self, which represents the characteristics and traits you desire, or others wish for you to have. The ought self is the representation of all the attributes you or others believe you should have, such as sense of duty and responsibilities. The ought self can either converge or diverge from the ideal self, depending on the person. There many other theories that develop further selves for various situations such as s...

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...e lowering of self-esteem and generation of deception.
To get out of the loop previously mentioned, one must stop comparing himself to others. As well as staying authentic, by not creating a hyper-realistic version of the actual self. Getting positive feedback on the actual self will be more rewarding because of its authenticity, which can be a great self-esteem booster. Another self-esteem booster, based on the research, is convergence of actual and ideal self. This means that by having more realistic (Ideal self) goals (Ideal Self) one will be more between the two selves, therefore will be closer to his goals and the goals will be more achievable. In the end, as shown in the online dating study, by having an social network profile, online game character, or and dating profile closer to the actual self (offline self), offline relations will be positively affected.

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