Self Assessment: Self-Assessment On Food Choices

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Self Assessment on Food Choices
How important is food in my life? Very important, as much as you can say I am obsessed with it. My earliest childhood memories are centered with the discovery of textures, flavors, smells, and wonderful colors. As a child, I remember in kindergarten Dr. Seuss day. My teacher served me green eggs and ham. Ever since then my world changed, I watched food network every day and bugged my mother in the kitchen. Food has played an important role in my life; there are many positives but also many negatives.

Taste Preference, Familiarity/Ethnicity

I’ve always had an affinity for sweet foods, especially chocolate. Dessert always seemed to be sweeter before meals. As I got older, I started liking more savory foods. I am fascinated with reaching ultimate umani. Acidic foods are also one of my favorites. I am of a mixed Hispanic heritage and grew up eating their staple common foods in which I will get into detail soon. Basically in highschool, I became bored of those very same foods and …show more content…

What I mean by this, is during family social gatherings food was always main focus. Even if you’re not hungry, you have to eat to celebrate the occasion because the food was cooked in big batches. Another example that poses issue for me, is having something to do when meeting with friends. Usually, there aren’t many choices other than setting a date to go out to eat and drink. I find myself overindulging on restaurant meals that are usually high in calories just to spend time with a friend. I am thankful that food availability and convenience has never been an issue in my household. With that said, I have a large family so my parents always stretched the dollar on food. It was more about quantity over quality on food items. This meant the generic sugar filled brands and savory junk food. Our go to “vegetable” was ice berg lettuce. Vegetables were too expensive to throw away because we were picky

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