Seaworld Ethos Pathos Logos

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J. Deutsch Jordan Currier English 11 2 April 19, 2024. This documentary was made in 2013 at SeaWorld. Former SeaWorld trainer Dawn Bradcheua would get pulled in the tub with the orca whales and ended up passing away because of this incident in 2010. John would show all of the appeals but one that popped out to me the most was a pathos appeal, he would describe his emotions while they had to split the young orcas between their parents. Previews of this essay will be developed around the audience's appeals and how they set up this documentary video of how they set up the video perfectly to catch attention and work with the audience, and keep them appearing during the documentary. Showing ethos, pathos, and logos in ways that never lose the attention …show more content…

One of my examples is Pathos, appealed numerous times. He would describe the horrific lifestyles of orca whales getting split up as young. This is a great Pathos appeal because this can get to the emotions of the audience and John would go into a description of how they would be captured as a baby. He would go on and talk about how inhumane it was for us to do this. He would talk about splitting the parents up from the young and relating it to humanity. This was a great ethos appeal because in the sorrowful moment of the parents getting killed and sunk to the bottom while the baby orcas have to get abducted and shipped or flown away. He related it to humans in a way to devastate us, to influence us to stop caring for this and showing how messed up it was. He would use all three appeals because the logical way he thought about his speech and the truth behind the orcas life all come together. This is why it is so important that ethos, logos, and pathos tie in together to form not only a good speech, but level it up and make it

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