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After overhearing the previous heated debate from the corridor and the front door banging from the confines of the chemistry classroom, Ms Loren decided to take matters into her own hands. Ms Loren happened to look outside the dusty window, and tapped on the glass window alerting Ahmad who was standing arms crossed in the backside of the schoolhouse at his post guarding the vans. Ms. Loren motioned for Ahmad to come join them inside the school. When Ahmad cornered from the back of the schoolhouse, he witnessed the elder Science Teacher dashing across the barren road. The Teacher was preoccupied and nearly collide with an approaching honking truck. Once inside the elementary school, it took Ahmad a minute to find the chemistry lab as the Schoolmaster paced outside the class. "Ms Loren is everything okay?" Ahmad spoke with concern as he brushed by the Schoolmaster, who gave them only a tame shrug. She nodded yes, then spoke, "Can you do the translation if I teach the class?" "Absolutely, Ms Loren," Ahmad confirmed. Ms Loren spoke to the Schoolmaster, "I will take it from here, sir. You can have a seat along the side." Flushed in color, the Schoolmaster's worse nightmare was coming true by having this American teach his students, and especially a female. He needed to curtail Ms Loren's authoritative nature. Ms Loren was in her zone. Education was her forte. She begun by having Ahmad translating an introduction of the delegation with a brief summary of their journey to Iraq. Steadily, the Schoolmaster begun inching towards the front of the class. Finally, Ms Loren had Ahmad inform the children, "That it was great honor to be in their school and to have this opportunity of learning together. And, none of this would have been p... ... middle of paper ... ...nd over Minister Mike's hand. While the children and Skylar cheered the experiment, Minister Mike noticed his friendship bracelet was drenched. He pulled it off his hand, and left it on the lab counter. Ahmad had found a cloth towel to dry his dripping hand. An applauding Schoolmaster noticed a headlight flicker against the classroom window. He turned back over his shoulder to view the jeep crawling passed the caravan. Glances were shared from the jeep's driver and passenger towards Yasin's crew in the back alley. It was time. The Schoolmaster approached the trio of Minister Mike, Ms Loren and Ahmad. He shook hands with each before requested his students attention. The Schoolmaster spoke, "Thank you so much for your demonstration. I am sure we have all learned something today." He spoke the last sentence while looking upon the Minister with a glimmer of a smile.

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