Killing Mr. Griffin

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This story starts when Susan McConnell is walking across her school’s parking lot, thinking about their new teacher, Mr. Griffin. As she was walking across the parking lot, she thought about how she hated spring, and how she wished that she lived on a lake somewhere; She then thought about how her realist father had put it. He had asked her how she was going to pay the property taxes. After that, she started realizing that of all the times that she had said someday, they would probably mean never.

Just then, David, her crush, came along, and was a bit angry at the fact that his paper had been lost, except for the piece that Susan had caught. They than commented about all of the things that Mr. Griffin did.

After reaching the school building, David struggled with the door, and found his way inside; the crowd immediately swallowed him up, before Susan could catch up and start to walk beside him. She then gave up, after his friends, Jeff and Mark joined him at his side. After she had been pushed into her homeroom, number 117, she had two minutes to wait for class to start and sat uncomfortably at her seat, rummaging through her purse, for a lack of something better to do.

After class started, Mr. Griffin walked in, immaculate, and on time as usual, and asked for the homework. Most students had passed theirs in, but Mr. Griffin persisted in bothering those w...

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