School Uniform: Improving the Dress Code

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Every year parents, students and teachers argue about the issue of applying school uniform, and if it is going to be put into effect or not. Each year, school dress code is being pushed away. Year after year, to help stop violent behavior and encourage order in schools, dress codes are applied. Does the fact of students having to wear a certain dress code reduce the violent behavior and encourage order in schools? (“The Controversial School Uniforms and School Dress Code Debate”, 2008). Research shows, that dress code policies may increase the chance of a child safety in school by a very low percentage, but that still affects the child in a positive way (“Do uniforms make schools better?”, 2004). Reducing the violent behavior and encourage order in schools is so important, because there is no proof that, the way a child dresses for school will increase there ability to learn or will reduce violence in the school setting.In addiction, kids from different kind of backgrounds may meet in a school, this results in kids who think that they are “cool” by the way they appear, to segregate t...

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