School Day Analysis

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I feel like the school day is long. I already have trouble being attentive and completing work. A new plan, devised by the school board, could add even more frustration. The school board plans to add one and a half hours to each school day. This change has both advantages and disadvantages. I disagree with extending the school day because it makes me more tired than I already am, it gives me less free time after school, and when I get a job, I would have to change my work hours.
The first reason why I disagree with extending the school day is it makes me more tired than I already am. I have to work continuously for long periods of time. It makes me less inclined to pay attention to what is being taught in my classes. Tiredness can also affect the way I work …show more content…

It is very important for me to always put forth my best effort in everything I do. If there are longer school days, it could make me tired and not want to do anything given to me.
The second reason why I disagree is it gives me less free time after school. There is more homework to be completed, which I usually struggle to complete in the first place. It also limits quality family time. I do not have the time to spend time with loved ones because of all the school work. It also interferes with after school sports. Most of the time, practices and games would have to be in the dark.
I would be tired, which causes me to put forth less effort than usual.
The third reason I disagree with extending the school day is when I get a job, I would most likely have to change the hours I work. I would still be in school at the time I would originally be getting ready to go to work. It would cause me to be working fewer hours, which means making less money. I use the money they earn in various ways, such as buying gas, going out to dinner, and shopping. If I get paid less, it could cause me to not have money for gas or fun

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