Scholarship Essay

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As a child I did not know a lot about college. None of the adults in my life had been to College, my family did not talk about it, and it seemed like a distant land that I heard about only in movies and on Television. I was first introduced to college when my third grade class took a field trip to Iowa State University, clearly a much needed field trip considering my lack of exposure to higher education. I was immediately amazed by the grand architecture and massive buildings. I had never seen anything like a University campus before. The few things that I remember about the trip were that everything was big, the college students played with us, and we got to swim in the pool. While the larger purpose of the field trip may have been lost to my childhood excitement of getting to swim in a big pool, the field trip did mark the beginning of my knowledge of higher education and from then on I always viewed it as something that I would be a part of eventually, even if it did seem like a very distant future at age eight. As I grew older I developed other reasons for wanting to attend colle...

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