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Essay on medical biotechnology
Important of medical biotechnology
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The AMGEN Summer Scholars research experience will contribute to my plans to become a M.D./Ph.D. candidate, and ultimately an Oncologist, by helping me develop critical and independent thinking as well as creative skills as they relate to the field of medicine. It will also help me develop a more thorough understanding of biological concepts, how they directly apply to medical treatment, and the ways in which biotechnology fuses multiple fields of science to create technologies to care for others. The opportunity to assist in creation of the technologies that will be used on my future patients will ultimately improve my ability to treat their illnesses in adaptive ways. The opportunity I would have to read, interpret, and be a part of creating
primary resources would prepare me to be a lifelong learner as a medical professional and open my eyes to the new technology we will shift our focus toward in the future. Being a part of this program would also give me an unparalleled opportunity to learn from and make connections with the greatest minds in the present and future of biomedical research. The ability to make a close connection with a faculty mentor at Harvard University throughout the summer will be vital to my success in my future as a medical professional. The seminars and workshops provided will guide me in preparation for graduate school and effective communication in a field where jargon is abound. Lastly, the social engagement will allow me to connect with other students who comprise the future of biological research. By gathering with a group of like-minded individuals, I will develop lasting connections in the field I plan to devote my life to.
If I can turn back in time, I would advise my young self to join the Kaiser Permanente volunteering program sooner and to skip the small conversations in meetings. Those talks may seem necessary for the first few times, but this communication method can become meaningless since people do not interact on a personal level. Joining the program had supported me by allowing me to associate with various friends through teamwork and encouraged me to thrive beyond my comfort zone.
Last summer I volunteered at a local hospital for a total of 136 hours. At the end of the summer I received an honorable mention award for being a dedicated volunteer who is highly respected around the hospital. Furthermore, I've been a committed volunteer during this school year. I have also been an active member of my school's HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) chapter; this March I will be competing in a medical terminology competition against members of other HOSA chapters across the state. Additionally, I am a devoted member of my school's academic decathlon team. Finally, I have been a member of CSF (California Scholarship Federation) for the past two years.
In high school I was involved in 3 clubs, 3 varsity sports, and did a least 40 hours of community service through National Honors Society and National Technical Honors Society. I participated in National Technical Honors Society and Health Occupations Students of America(HOSA) through Lapeer County Education and Technical center, and participated in athletics at Imlay City high school. During my high school career I played varsity volleyball for two years, varsity basketball for one year, and varsity soccer for four years, but I jumped back and forth from junior varsity to varsity my freshman year. Also, while being apart of HOSA I was a junior representative my junior year of high school, and I am Vice-President my senior year. And I also mentor our middle school chapter of HOSA and help them to accomplish all of their competitive events.
An individual’s intellectual curiosity to gain knowledge of the unanswered questions becomes a catalyst for the advancement of a society. Mercer University’s undergraduate student research program challenges a student to discover the unknown and sets a foundation for growth in critical thinking. Unlike any other colleges, Mercer University provides opportunities to turn an imagination into a reality that benefits the lives of the people. Through the research program, I would like to contribute my passion in serving others in need by discovering ways to find a cure for childhood cancer and creating innovative ideas to help the lives affected by cancer.
As a student that is currently seeking a career in the medical professions, I have had to routinely contemplate my reasons for pursuing such an extensive education program in a field that is constantly demanding excessive time and effort. I know of students—many friends and acquaintances of mine included—that have the most sure-fire, inspirational stories that align with their desire to become doctors, surgeons, physician assistants, etc. They always seemed to have a story that emphasized their desire to “give back” what they have received from the medical community. Because of that, ever since the beginning of high school, I have been trying to find an extraordinary reason, a purpose for my medical pursuits. Perhaps I could justify my passion for
Scholarship, leadership, character, and service are four attributes that define an excellent student. Being in high school, it’s difficult at times to be a leader, show your character, and be involved with voluntary services while being focused on scholarship, but I have managed to do all four numerous times. I am so grateful and excited to have the chance to be a part of the National Honors Society.
What are the circumstances that brought you to apply for the foundation emergency fund scholarships?
As I thought of this article, many of the issues I have faced as a single Hmong woman in her mid-twenties came to mind. Should I discuss the functional reasons why marriage is so important in the Hmong culture, especially for women? Or do I talk about the lack of eligible, older Hmong men? Better yet, should I complain about the attempts by my relatives to find me a good husband as if it were an unfortunate circumstance that I was single instead of a conscious choice? Thinking it over, though, I decided that all those questions boiled down to one fundamental truth – the Hmong community is still trying to learn how to treat the increasing number of Hmong women who, like me, are making the choice to stay single in their mid-twenties.
Humans have all sorts of traits, good and bad. But sometimes these traits can doom the world. Stephen King’s Doctor Sleep is a story about a psychic man and girl fighting against a tribe of immortal beings, living off steam that telepathic children give off. By examining Stephen King’s novel Doctor Sleep, one can see that wrath, cowering, and selfishness are human traits which will condemn out society. These traits illustrate a destructive element in mankind in the society of the story.
I was in 1st grade when I found out that I had a learning disability. I still
Integrated Mathematical Oncology at the Moffitt Cancer Center. This internship provided me the experience of interacting and acquiring research skills and knowledge from faculty in the mathematical oncology department. As a person who is keen to pursue the medical career, I believe it is important to have a research background because it gives the critical thinking skills necessary to formulate decisions. This internship peaked my interest in pursuing a medical career in the future possibly specializing in oncology.
Statement of Purpose I am apllying for PhD in Immunology at Harvard Medical in order to enrich further my academic knowledge, have access to the best equiped laboratories in the world and work within a highly professional and dedicated scientific community. Particularly, I want to work on identifying new targets for cancer treatment and prevention. All conventional cancer treatment available nowadays, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted drugs, anti-angiogenic agents and immune checkpoint blockers require specialized hospitals with expensive equipments, skilled people with a range of knowledge varying from nuclear physics to cell biology. Combination of all these make it impossible for people from small rural villages, like where I grow up, get at least a chance to cure their cancers. My ultimate goal is to develop a simple cancer treatment method which can be delivered by an average educated physician with a needle in his hand.
I would like to be a part of the Presidential Honors Scholars Program because I value academic motivation, community, and personal success, and I know that this program will help me attain my goals with these values in mind. With the expectations the program requires of its students, I know that I will have the motivation to excel and prosper throughout my remaining years of college. I know that I am a capable of adhering to the standards and goals because of my success and mindset, and that I am an excellent fit for this program.
Growing up in a neighborhood called Tenderloin isn’t the easiest. It is evident that Tenderloin is not one of the richest communities in San Francisco. Every time I take a walk around the neighborhood, I see many homeless people who are struggling to survive. Because they are a part of my community, I have a lot of compassion for them. Many people misjudge those in poverty, assuming that they’re all lazy drug addicts, so they don’t view homeless people as human. However, we cannot judge people based on what we see. We don’t know what hardships anyone is going through, so I believe that everyone deserves a chance to receive service from places such as shelters. I have a vision where the Tenderloin will become a better place, free of poverty and suffering. Once this cycle of poverty is broken, those who were homeless will be able to share their stories and inspire others to help recover their communities.
The purpose of this document is to learn about the new and exciting developments in the biotech industry. Besides lives being effected, the companies and the markets in which they reside will be as well. It’s vitally important to learn about the new technologies since there is a very good chance that million’s of others, and mostly likely yours truly will ingest a new drug, or have a new procedure preformed.