Scares On Clowns

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Clowns have been terrorising the country for far too long. The clowns who are dressing up to lure children and women into the woods, chased people with weapons, and stood in front of cars to get them to stop have been taking this scare to a new level. These clown scares have been taking too far and now professional clowns are taking the blame for these fake clowns. This has cause an even bigger bad relationship with clowns. Clown sightings have caused a lot of commotion, which can lead to an increase of terrifying ideas. These clown sightings have given a huge impact because of the country-wide scare. These scares starting in august have caused an uprising in the country. These clowns have targeted people who drive on two lane roads in wooded areas and also in public parks and fields. These sightings of clowns have happened in over 10 states. These “hoaxes” were once just sayings but they then turned into clowns attack cars and taunting innocent people.” children reported clowns were trying to lure them into woods with money’ says one reporter, these clowns are going for little kids who will follow for any type of bribe. These scares starting back in the 70’s when “Pogo the …show more content…

We see clowns as scary which is why the outbreak has occurred, but police cutting down and finding the big vendors in all the scarring is what will help the country calm down. Professional clowns have a goal of bring joy and happiness to children, but these clown imposters have cause even more of a scare towards clowns as there already was.A professional clown Connie Morrow, says, “But a real clown will never ever try to scare the kids.” as she was interviewed by 7 eyewitness news. These fake clowns have increased frustration for professional clowns because it has caused a uprising in anger towards clowns, mainely real

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