When Pranking Is Wrong

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What do you think when you hear this word? Pranking. Is it a rogue activity? Is it distractive to others, or is it an incident of bullying? Well, people prank everyday, and in terms of childhood relations, it is almost normal. It strengthens the bond between two children. There is also have a day devoted to the ‘art’ of pranking. April Fools. Pranking should not be confused with bullying. Bullying has a strictly negative impact while pranking is innocent and has good intentions behind it. Bullying is defined as consistent harassment to an individual while pranking is pulling a joke (Stomp Out Bullying 1). Normally, children do it for the laughs. What most people think about pranking is that it is harmful to others, and that it is an utmost form of bullying. …show more content…

Bullying has a strictly negative impact while pranking has a positive intent, and is in a friendly way (Cleaver 1). To elaborate, millions of people prank others on April Fools Day. Smiling happily, 40% of the American population prank others on April Fools (Lab42.com 1). Does this mean that 40% of the population is bullying others? Is there more than 100 million bullies sprouting on this day? In some states of the country, bullying is criminal (Teaching Your Child How To Deal WIth Bullying & Teasing.) So why do we have a day promoted to illegal activity? If pranking was considered bullying that is. Another thing, bullying is also defined as persistent harassment (Stomp Out Bullying 1). One act of pranking is not persistent, and pranking is not harassment in general, it is harmless. Pranking, “is misunderstood because it is often confused with bullying, which has a strictly negative impact. The way to distinguish between the two is by the intent. The goal of bullying is to harm.” (Cleaver 1). Bullying is intended to be hurtful, mean, and to up one's reputation. It is persistent harassment. This does not relate to

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