Scapulothoracic Dysfunction is a breakdown of the mechanical operation of the structures that create normal functional movements of the neck and shoulders. Which can be caused by numerous disorders such as Snapping scapula syndrome,(scapulothoracic crepitus), scapular winging, Scapulothoracic disassociation anatomic postures, and extreme physical activities.
Often this mechanical breakdown results in pain in the neck shoulders, arms, and hands and can be accompanied by numbness and tingling this is referred as burners and stingers.
Scapulothoracic also called scapulocostal joint anatomy includes the triangular flat bone that lies along the posterior thoracic wall and is often called the shoulder blade. The clavicle often called collarbone.
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Sings and symptom: usually are pain in the shoulder arms and hands.
Diagnostic Test:
Scapula winging: Diagnosis is based on history and physical examination. The patient usually complains of shoulder pain and loss of stabilization and weakness of the scapula in forward elevation. The deformity can be examined by having the patient push against a wall and abduct the arms over the head and looking for the asymmetry. EMG is useful in evaluating nerve damage.
Snapping Scapula: The diagnosis of snapping scapula is based on scapular noise with motion, and the patient may complain of pain and fatigue with activities.
Scapulothoracic disassociation: Diagnosis can be made on the basis of a nonrotated chest x-ray in which the scapula is laterally displaced. Lesions such as root avulsions and disruption of the cords have often been reported in the literature. Unfortunately, when the injury is described as a complete nerve injury by physical examination or when avulsion of the roots is confirmed by electrodiagnosis, there is little if any neurologic recovery. On the other hand, if the lesion is found to be incomplete, some neurologic recovery may be
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Complications : usually happens after surgery.
Prevention Advice: to prevent any type of disorder or illness it is highly recommended to have an active life exercise and eat healthy.
Risck factors: Any process that affects the scapulothoracic joint can affect the overall function of the shoulder joint and may present as posterior shoulder pain, periscapular pain, rotator cuff bursitis, or tendinitis secondary to
The patient presented with a shoulder disorder, a common orthopedic condition. To diagnose and treat the patient, the pathoanatomic diagnosis and the treatment based classification scheme called as staged approach for rehabilitation classification (STAR- Shoulder) was used as given by McClure and Michener 1. This classification is a staged classification and has three different levels: Screening, Pathoanatomic diagnosis, and A rehabilitation classification.
A rotator cuff is simply a group of four tendons and muscles that are located right on the shoulder and on top of the humerus bone. (Source 1) The rotator cuff is what controls the shoulder and allows it to move and be mobile. The four main muscles that consist of the tendons are the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis muscles. (Source 2). Too much wear and tear on these muscles (such as too many thrown fastballs) is precisely what causes the rotator cuff to begin to tear, as well as swelling in the tendons.
Shoulder injuries are very common amongst people of all ages. If you think about it, we use our shoulders for numerous daily activities like driving, reaching up in cupboards, washing and brushing our hair, picking up items off the floor, reaching in our pockets whether it be in the front or the back, putting a belt on, and many others. A common injury that occurs in the shoulder though, is the rotator cuff. This structure is very often torn in individuals who use a lot of overhead reaching motions or are forcefully pulling objects constantly. A couple examples of people that do these motions constantly are athletes and construction workers. A rotator cuff tear can be caused by a direct-blow to the shoulder or it can happen over a period of time with wear and tear. Normally when an individual has a rotator cuff tear, they will present with pain or weakness when trying to lift their arm.
It is caused by damaged nerves. It generally, causes a weakness or numbness but can
Shoulder and neck pain are the most common musculoskeletal disorders one can get. Right sided neck and shoulder pain is one that the assistant is highly prone to developing, and is difficult to avoid. Reason being is frequent reaching across the assistant’s mid-line with the right arm. Neck pain can also be caused by leaning forward with your head bent down for a long period of time.
Scoliosis is found and diagnosed in many ways. Some ways it is found is looking at medical history, having physical examinations, and X-rays. Most cases are unknown, or caused by already diagnosed medical conditions like cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. Also another kind is idiopathic scoliosis. Idiopathic scoliosis is also unknown why people get it. Medical
Preventing diabetes is possible, and somewhat easy. Studies have shown that 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week can decrease your chances of getting diabetes, as well as eating healthier. Keeping a nutrition log and a fitness journal are good starts to help the motivation for preventing diabetes. Watching your sugar intake is also a good thing to do if you’re trying to prevent this
The shoulder is the most complex joint in the body. It is capable of moving in more than 16,000 positions. Many of its ailments, including the most common ones, involve biomechanical mechanisms that are unique to the shoulder. The most common shoulder problem for which professional help is sought out for is shoulder impingement (Haig 1996). Shoulder impingement is primarily an overuse injury that involves a mechanical compression of the supraspinatus tendon, subacromial bursa, and the long head of the biceps tendon, all of which are located under the coracoacromial arch (Prentice 2001). Impingement has been described as a continuum during which repetitive compression eventually leads to irritation and inflammation that progresses to fibrosis and eventually to rupture of the rotator cuff. Because impingement involves a spectrum of lesions of tissue in the shoulder, a working knowledge of its structural relationships will facilitate an understanding of the factors that result in abnormalities. This paper will provide knowledge of the anatomy, biomechanics, and correct rehabilitation involved with shoulder impingement.
There are effective prevention and controlling the disease, however, a disease still stay a vital problem. For example, for diabetes especially type 2 diabetes can be prevented with managing a lifestyle and diet pattern changes in society. Individuals who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes pancreas still works however not quite effective as it should be as the body built an insulin resistance which makes it difficult to change glucose into energy where too much glucose is left inside the blood. Managing a lifestyle pattern can modify a type 2 diabetes this includes eating a healthy diet, it is vital individual eat a healthy food such as by learning about the size of portion and counting a carbohydrate. Making a meal a well-balanced. An individual
Anyone can suffer from torticollis following a muscle injury or nervous system. However, in most cases, the cause of torticollis is unknown. In this case, it is called idiopathic torticollis.
Rotator cuff tear – The muscles adjoining the shoulder joint are required for rotating the shoulder, amid other movements. The tendons of these muscles furthermore influence the structural strength of the shoulder joint. Harsh, rapid actions, for example in tennis and baseball, can result in tearing of one of these tendons. This then causes pain as well as a decline in range of motion. Surgery possibly will be necessary to repair a torn
Scoliosis is a progressive disease. In its early stages a mild rotation and rib deformity is detected. As it progresses more vertebrae rotate, causing the ribs to crowd together on one side of the chest and to spread apart on the opposite side. The disease is usually first identified in persons 10 to 17 years old. Most cases occur in girls and become apparent during the rapid growth phase of puberty. Conditions also include shoulder unleveling, waistline discrepancies, acute headaches, shortness of breath, rib hump, chronic fatigue, and mood swings.
I decided to palpate the spine of the scapula. I did this because the scapula is more defined in the back making it easier to feel on my partners back. I was able to locate the scapula on the rib cage and also the scapulae surface. I was capable of palpate the indentations at the superior and inferior halves of the bone as well. The easiest place to palpate was the scapula surface. The surface was very visible when my partner extended his arm out to his side. The most challenging to palpate was the indentation because I had to really feel for it. Even with my partner extending his arm out I could barely find it. I had to have my partner put his arm down and extend it back out to find the indentation.
Prevention consists of the measures that are implemented to prevent occurrence of a disease or a condition and are directed towards eliminating or minimizing the impact of disease and disability. Prevention, being an emerging concept, calls for a lot of attention because the health of any individual is determinant of any other activity they carry out. It is, therefore, important to evaluate the concepts of prevention as used in the nursing profession.