Clavicle Essays

  • Taking a Look at the Sagittal Plane

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    Sagittal Plane The sagittal plane, also commonly referred to as anteroposterior plane, is a plane that passes through the body from front to back and divides the body into left and right portions. The anatomical movements in the sagittal plane are flexion, extension, plantar flexion and dorsiflexion. The following are the three exercises for sagittal plane. 1. Barbell Biceps Curl: This exercise is great for developing both the heads of the biceps muscle. The biceps curl exercise (performed with dumbbell

  • How the Arm and the Leg are Adapted for Their Special Function

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    How the Arm and the Leg are Adapted for Their Special Function Both the arm and the leg are adapted in a variety of ways to accommodate their special functions. The primary function of the lower limb is to support the weight of the body and to provide a stable foundation in standing, walking and running. Thus, in general it can be seen that in the lower limb, adaptation to stability takes precedence over adaptation to mobility. The upper limb is the organ of manual activity, and as such

  • Scapulothoracic Dysfunction

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    by numbness and tingling this is referred as burners and stingers. Scapulothoracic also called scapulocostal joint anatomy includes the triangular flat bone that lies along the posterior thoracic wall and is often called the shoulder blade. The clavicle often called collarbone.

  • Essay On Clavicle Fracture

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    Clavicle Fracture (Distal End) With Rehab The clavicle, also called the collarbone, is the long bone that connects your shoulder to your rib cage. You can feel your collarbone at the top of your shoulders and rib cage. A distal clavicle fracture is a break (fracture) that occurs in the outer third of the clavicle, near the joint between the collarbone and one of the shoulder bones (acromion). This is a common injury that can happen at any age. If the fracture extends into the joint at the top of

  • Neck and Shoulder Pain Caused by Posture

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    Being a dental assistant can be very challenging when it comes to posture and sitting properly. There are several musculoskeletal disorders that can affect your job in the long run. Some so severe you may have to have surgery!! I don’t think we want that. Dental assistant mostly experience right-sided neck and shoulder pain, also hand and finger pain that is worst in the first and second fingers. If it doesn’t get taken care of immediately, this pain could lead to muscle imbalances, ischemia, nerve

  • An Analysis Of Natasha Trethewey's Poetry

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    to her mother and though she is saying they are not evidence of abuse they ironically are. At the end of the poem, Natasha Trethewey states the only evidence of physical abuse is her mother's dead body, “Only the landscape of her body—splintered/clavicle, pierced temporal—her thin bones/settling a bit each day, the way all things do” (12-14). This shows that her mother has died, beaten up and then shot in the head. Though Natasha ironically states this is the only evidence of abuse, she knows that

  • Roper-Tierney Model Of Care: A Case Study

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    A 49 year old man who goes by the name of Martin was admitted into hospital with fractures in his left tibia and fibula and clavicle that he endured from a motor accident he was involved in. It is reported that there was a total of 146,322 personal injury road traffic accidents in the UK in 2014. (Department for Transport 2015). Surgery has been scheduled for Martin within the next day or two to fix the fractures he received in the accident; he is in a lot of pain. A fracture is to break a part,

  • Female Reproductive System In Birds Essay

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    respiratory system. Thus the hollow bones reduces the weight of birds which makes the lighter to fly freely. 2. Extensive bone fusion, especially in the pelvic and pectoral regions The pectoral girdle is made up of the sternum, clavicle, coracoid and scapula. The clavicles come together to form the furcula, or "wishbone". The furcula provides a flexible attachment site for the breast muscles and along with the coracoids act as struts that resist pressure created by the wing stroke during flight. There

  • Understanding Degenerative Disc Disease: A Nurse's Journey

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    There is tenderness to the acromioclavicular joint which is slightly enlarged especially at the distal clavicle where there is a sharp osteophyte palpable. There is moderate tenderness to the distal clavicle and the acromion process, subacromial space, rotator cuff and anterior shoulder capsule. There is very mild crepitus with the range of motion testing. The rotational and overhead impingement test

  • Shoulder Flexion Research Paper

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    The whole human body in respect to bones, bony landmarks, muscles, and their actions are connected. Whenever there is a movement, the different parts of the human body moves as one. In general, knowing the importance of the connecting and applying the information can help understand where the injury or soreness of the body is located. In the any allied health profession, understanding how the human body is connected is also very important. This may help understand the pathology and potential treatment

  • Skeleton Essay

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    consisting of the Skull, Sternum, Vertebrae and the Ribs. (In red) The Appendicular skeleton gives the body the ability to move, and it protects the major organs. It’s made up from a total of 126 bones, including the shoulder girdle (scapular and clavicle), pelvic girdle, upper and lower limbs. (In white) There are different types of bones in the body- long, short, flat, irregular, sesamoid. Long bones- Cylindrical in shape, found in

  • Narrative Essay About Caveman Day

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    When I was ten years old I was finally a sixth grader, so I got to be one of the big kids at my elementary school. At my school, the sixth graders had the most fun activities such as: Caveman Day, Greek Day, Egyptian Day, Pi Day, Flag Football, and Wiffleball. I was chosen to be a leader for Caveman Day, where all the sixth graders dressed up like caveman and competed in various activities that were inspired by caveman and their era. Unfortunately my Caveman Day group was not very successful, but

  • Summary Of Shedding Light On The Dinosaur-Bird Connection

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    comparison to each other. The author has claimed that a bird and a dinosaur have similarity in the way that they are both built. The writer likes to say that they both have the same such and such features like for example, holes in their hipbones, a fused clavicle bone and other parts of their anatomy.

  • Nola Walker Case Summary

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    “orientated”. Blake conducted multiple assessments and did her vital signs twice. The results deemed Walker to be within normal ranges, with the only noticeable trauma involving superficial skin injuries on the left hand, an abrasion over the right clavicle which was assumed to be a seatbelt injury. Ms Walker denied she was ever in pain. Nucifora mentioned on several occasions that it would be best to take Walker to the hospital to be further

  • Pros And Cons Of Sex Estimation

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    Abstract: Sex estimation is the first step in the analysis of found human remains, this can collaborate or disprove a forensic case, and can also then help to provide an age of remains at death to begin a timeline. Results are created from many methods however these methods have their own pros and cons, for example if only part of a full skeleton is found some methods are not plausible. The results established show that the skeletons in question (216 and 889) are both full enough to create a decision

  • Essay On The Power Of Mistakes By Atul Gawande

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    The Power of Mistakes Atul Gawande is not only our resident surgeon; he’s also a patient himself. He’s anxious before performing a surgery, he dwells on mistakes, and he has emotions: he’s human and he understands us. However, he does not appear to share concerns with his patients initially. Gawande experiences a long, drawn-out development from a young medical student to the doctor he is today. This process of identifying with patients is evident in his anthology of essays Complications: A Surgeon’s

  • Argumentative Essay About Thanksgiving

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    national holiday. A day to give thanks to all the blessing that one have recieved through out the year. One special part of the turkey is the Furcula bone also known as the wishbone. “Groups of two began to wish on the same bone and then snap the clavicle in half. The person who got the bigger half was deemed the winner and granted their wish” . The turkey brings a good

  • Bacterial Meningitis Essay

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    The most likely cause of the symptoms presented by her is bacteria meningitis. Bacterial meningitis is diagnosed by taking a sample of the cerebrospinal fluid found in the subarachnoid space near the spinal cord (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) bathes the spinal cord, provides it with nutrients and protects it from injury. If a needle were used in this test, it must pass between the L3 and L4 or L4 and L5 vertebra, which is considered safer, preventing

  • Understanding the Human-Horse Relationship: An Insightful Exploration

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    ability are better than humans and the can listen to the sound and determine the place of the sound. When there is wind the horse get frustrated because his ability becomes less. The horse’s smelling ability it is better than his visual ability. No clavicle bone means more speed

  • Atul Gawande Complications Summary

    546 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the book Complications, Atul writes about his experiences as a surgical residents and demonstrates a point of view of surgery that does not idealize it, but instead displays the actual pressure and complexity it actually is. Atul Gawande speaks to fellow surgeons, surgeons to be or simply those who believe that the study of surgery is just memorizing procedures, nonetheless it’s so much more complex due to the fact that every case that arrives is different. He is able to portray the complexity